Canada Kicks Ass
Squamish Declaration: Churches must vacate ... by Wednesday


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commanderkai @ Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:06 pm

three three:
Mustang1 Mustang1:
three three:
That is Canada's 'legacy'. Genocide. Now exposed.

It's not genocide. You've failed on numerous occasions to substantiate that rather ahistorical claim. I've busted its stupidity wide open and you've failed to acknowledge your piss poor point, blatant parroting and inability to grasp basic history. You're nothing but an agenda-pushing mouthpiece.

Piss off, pee, you're done here.

You have done nothing but flaunt your toilet obsession.

Let's look at it another way.

If it was not genocide for land, why does Canada still not recognize their land rights?
If there was no attempt to destroy them to steal their land, then the land should not be an issue, right?

Because their "land rights" claim ALL of Canada. Guess what? We can't let that happen since there are 31,000,000 non Aboriginals in this country wanting to live here. Land is always an issue, and then we buy them off. As per usual.

Anyway, tomorrow we find out if they have the balls to do it, and with that, we'll see what happens.


Mustang1 @ Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:21 pm

three three:
Mustang1 Mustang1:
three three:
That is Canada's 'legacy'. Genocide. Now exposed.

It's not genocide. You've failed on numerous occasions to substantiate that rather ahistorical claim. I've busted its stupidity wide open and you've failed to acknowledge your piss poor point, blatant parroting and inability to grasp basic history. You're nothing but an agenda-pushing mouthpiece.

Piss off, pee, you're done here.

You have done nothing but flaunt your toilet obsession.

Let's look at it another way.

If it was not genocide for land, why does Canada still not recognize their land rights?
If there was no attempt to destroy them to steal their land, then the land should not be an issue, right?

I'd rather flaunt any toilet obsession than flaunt ignorance and mindless parroting like you, pee.

Oh...and it's not genocide. Your piss poor attempt at logic failed because if it was about land then there would NEVER be any land settlements. If the government was willing to use any means necessary to acquire land, why constitutionally entrench aboriginal titles in the Constitution or allow land claims to be legally tried or pay repreations for act regarding land?

Sorry, back to pissing the bed for you.


commanderkai @ Tue Mar 18, 2008 4:34 pm

three three:
commanderkai commanderkai:
three three:
Let's look at it another way.

If it was not genocide for land, why does Canada still not recognize their land rights?
If there was no attempt to destroy them to steal their land, then the land should not be an issue, right?

Because their "land rights" claim ALL of Canada. Guess what? We can't let that happen since there are 31,000,000 non Aboriginals in this country wanting to live here. Land is always an issue, and then we buy them off. As per usual.

Anyway, tomorrow we find out if they have the balls to do it, and with that, we'll see what happens.

Well! An honest person who admits the truth! This is progress. Exactly: It is all aboriginal land. They have a right to at least 1) a say in development and use of the land, and 2) a share in revenues. It is not as difficult to resolve as our governments pretend.

The churches ... that is another issue ... that is about their crimes against the children in the schools, especially those who died or disappeared. They have had centuries of 'free rent', 'free land' and they have entirely worn out their welcome.

What? What? Hell no...I said they CLAIM its theirs, not that it is. Canada is not Aboriginal land. They have no right to tell me, or my peers, or the government how to development it, or a share in the revenues of MY BUSINESS. If they want to share revenues, they can go start a business like actual Canadians

The government panders to these idiots, for no reason. We can, and should have, crushed any claim a long time ago.

I don't care about past crimes, since most of those priests and nuns are probably long dead. I want the church to continue, since they are more important to Canada, past, present, and future, than the Natives ever will. Blaming the entire church for them is disgusting, and you're a disgrace.


Mustang1 @ Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:25 pm

three three:
Mustang1 Mustang1:
three three:
Mustang1 Mustang1:
three three:
That is Canada's 'legacy'. Genocide. Now exposed.

It's not genocide. You've failed on numerous occasions to substantiate that rather ahistorical claim. I've busted its stupidity wide open and you've failed to acknowledge your piss poor point, blatant parroting and inability to grasp basic history. You're nothing but an agenda-pushing mouthpiece.

Piss off, pee, you're done here.

You have done nothing but flaunt your toilet obsession.

Let's look at it another way.

If it was not genocide for land, why does Canada still not recognize their land rights?
If there was no attempt to destroy them to steal their land, then the land should not be an issue, right?

I'd rather flaunt any toilet obsession than flaunt ignorance and mindless parroting like you, pee.

Oh...and it's not genocide. Your piss poor attempt at logic failed because if it was about land then there would NEVER be any land settlements. If the government was willing to use any means necessary to acquire land, why constitutionally entrench aboriginal titles in the Constitution or allow land claims to be legally tried or pay repreations for act regarding land?

Sorry, back to pissing the bed for you.

How did they steal the land in the first place? Let's be clear about how we got where we are.

Dodge, chicken. If we stole the land, why have any land treaties? Why not simply take it? Why constitutionally entrench it? Why continue with land claims? Again, if you had a clue, you wouldn't keep pissing the bed and making your ignorance so easy to bust open.


commanderkai @ Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:48 pm

three three:

The churches ... Anglican, Catholic, United ... are the criminals. They murdered thousands of children and they continue to try to cover up these crimes.

Canada is a criminal too. It is their land. They deserve a share. Afterall, if it wasn't for the natural resources stolen from Indigenous land without payment, Canada's economy would crash in a day.

It is a very precarious position Canada is in. Canada has no moral or legal authority against Indigenous Nations whatsoever because of its own crimes against them.

Canada will never recognize their rights because that would expose its own crimes. Now they are simply asserting their legal rights themselves. They have been waiting for Canada to do it for over 200 years, so it's just too late for Canada.

The church made mistakes, just like I'm sure the Natives have a few skeletons in the closet of dead white settlers and tribes they killed off. Guess what? Its called history

They have their share. Its called the fucking reservation. They can deal with that chunk of land. And stop bitching about the resources. They had no idea it was there, they just saw it as a place where they can piss on a tree. It is Canada's land, not Native.

Canada would never recognize their rights...cause they have none. They lost them when they lost the land to treaties and wars. No Indian built Toronto, or my house, or my business. They are mine as a Canadian, and I have a right to my property. I


ShepherdsDog @ Tue Mar 18, 2008 5:49 pm

three three:
BartSimpson BartSimpson:
three three:
ShepherdsDog ShepherdsDog:
He was her principal, from kindergarten through grade 7, in a public school.

She'd never been to a residential school at all.

She stammered a little then said it's important to keep the stories alive.

This is exactly what many of them are stories, works of fiction, told by people who've never suffered and hope to reap benefits off of the suffering of others. That children died and suffered while attending Church run schools is not in question. Children of all races did so, but the numbers being bandied about are ridiculous. Of those that disappeared, how many chose to do so? After an education, why would they want to return to the ignorance and poverty of the reservation?

EVIDENCE for these despicable, racist, libellous allegations please?

OR retract what you cannot PROVE!

And by the way ... the government of Canada, INAC, DOES NOT DISPUTE THE NUMBERS OF CHILDREN WHO DIED: 50%, over 50,000 children. Not only do they not dispute it, they play with their enrolment numbers to match ours!

INAC initially told Canadian Press that over 150,000 children attended the schools. Then they revised it down to 100,000 when they saw our data.

They lie, cheat and steal. They are not democratic government but corporate puppets.

You are a sucker for government and corporate propaganda.

You are not a real Canadian speaking like that, but an aspiring corporate goon!

Shep is not an "aspiring corporate goon".

He is a well respected member of this forum who holds to his own views.

Treat him accordingly, eh?

Then he should act respect-able but his post is not. Maligning people with false allegations is not respect-able.

Maligning? I was pointing out that they were lying. There have also been several news reports about in-duh-viduals receiving payments, or requesting payment when they never attended or can't prove they attended residential schools. I think we need need Adam and Jamie to come in and do a little 'myth busting'. Me think sum injun speakin with forked tongue, and pee pee has head firmly lodged in intestinal tract, eating the same shit he spews.

They lie, cheat and steal. They are not democratic government
A perfect description of many native organizations and the conditions on most reserves....not all, but way too many. Sorry, for that brief interlude in reality, you can continue with your fantasies now.


Joe_Stalin @ Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:34 pm

Canada needs a Gitmo.


ShepherdsDog @ Tue Mar 18, 2008 7:42 pm

Perhaps Pee has a vested interest in this farce, much like the lawyers who are reaping millions.



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