Canada Kicks Ass
What's so great about Canada ?


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gemini39 @ Thu Feb 27, 2003 9:39 am

Gangrenous Gangrenous:
Hey!!!!! Speaking of Hockey night in Canada......

I'm now living in the US and just got the NHL package so I can watch some good old Canadian hockey. Well, and of course the Leafs :)

Just curious if anybody knows if they show hockey night in Canada on it?

Wow, where are you that you have an NHL package offered ??? Best I can do here is ESPN2...and they don't show half of the hockey thats out there. :(


zero @ Thu Feb 27, 2003 5:56 pm

yean my buddy lives in mexico and he got a satlite just to watch hockey and those steamy late night pics heh


Gangrenous @ Fri Feb 28, 2003 6:22 am

Direct TV. I'm sure they show almost if not all of the hockey games. I checked Direct TV's schedule and they show all of the Toronto games, thats all I'm interested in. I just didn't see HNIC anywhere :(


Aaron @ Sun Mar 02, 2003 2:57 pm

the hockey package offered through shaw(local digital cable) is awesome..$59.95 for 11 games A pretty good deal 8)


Guest @ Sun Mar 02, 2003 3:32 pm

Well I finally got it hooked up and as luck would have it, the Saturday Toronto game that was shown was indeed HNIC. I'm a pig in shit now. And for the first time I can actually say I liked watching the commercials. Nice to see a full 3 hours of Canadian content on American TV :)


BassistWithoutABand @ Mon Mar 17, 2003 7:28 am

alright, assuming this is still on task (I only read the first page, i'll read the rest later, but i have to run so i thought i'd get this out there quick)

why canada kicks ass....

gun control *thinks about the NRA then cringes*

they don't throw a tizzy fit every 10 or so years just to fight... for no *good* reason than to go drop a few bombs and pove "we've still gots it" (eek..... gonna catch flack for THAT one)

Avril.... (now to see which people get more angry at.. the war comment, or the fact that i like avril)

and i'm sure there are others i'm just not thinking of ... i just know that america scares me..... and my next step is either canada or australia all day... just have to decide what stereotyped phrase i want to hear more of.... "eh?" or "mate"


RoyalHighlander @ Mon Mar 17, 2003 8:06 am

Welcome to our site bassist Hope you enjoy it here...


BassistWithoutABand @ Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:48 pm

oh i'm sure I will... Aaron made me come here so if i do something wrong, feel free to blame him :D


Twila @ Mon Mar 17, 2003 2:52 pm

just have to decide what stereotyped phrase i want to hear more of.... "eh?" or "mate

Just remember that is you choose eh? you'll have to live in an igloo, where muckalucks, chew blubber, wear a beaver on your head and say hoosier!

If you choose Australia you'll have to learn to wrestle crocs, be rude to women and drink and swear alot.


BassistWithoutABand @ Mon Mar 17, 2003 3:02 pm

Twila Twila:
just have to decide what stereotyped phrase i want to hear more of.... "eh?" or "mate

Just remember that is you choose eh? you'll have to live in an igloo, where muckalucks, chew blubber, wear a beaver on your head and say hoosier!

If you choose Australia you'll have to learn to wrestle crocs, be rude to women and drink and swear alot.

Decisions Decisions.... Canada is only a few hours away... and if i go straight up i could be in the same time zone.... hmmmm.... and i like winter... i could learn to live in an igloo.... haha, and it's not like people stereotype iowa at all... if one more person asks me if i live on a farm or know slipknot i'm gonna freak... it's like OH YEAH.. EVERYONE in iowa just hangs out w/ everyone else.. me and slipknot go WAAAAY back... grr lol


Twila @ Mon Mar 17, 2003 3:11 pm

it's like OH YEAH.. EVERYONE in iowa just hangs out w/ everyone else.. me and slipknot go WAAAAY back... grr lol

My favourite is when people find out where your from and they ask if you know " john smith" cause he's from there too, you know?

That kills me! We had a commercial on tv here (BC) not too long ago where the "new"guy is asked if he knows joe blow, who also lived in Canada. He says "oh yeah, Joe Blow, he's dead"

It's only cold in the eastern provinces. We've had 1 day of snow here in Vancouver that didn't even last the day!



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