Canada Kicks Ass
Women can go topless in Canada?


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ziggy @ Sat Jul 22, 2006 9:08 am

No more hunger. :wink:


ziggy @ Sat Jul 22, 2006 9:12 am

fred8214 fred8214:
We spend to much time on these subjects. "Boobs" are note evil not will they corupt the youth of this nation, thay are just "boobs". Get over it. It she want to go topless. thats ok. Men have been showing their boobs for year and years and I think it is about time that women did to. Trust me the world will not come to an end. If anything once women start going topless more often the googling will stop. And before you get started rapes and such thing will not go through the roof. Then, perhaps, we can tackle more important issues.. Iike hunger.

I have boobs? 8O



foxybcgurl @ Sun Jul 23, 2006 12:10 pm

Well I'm sorry i don't want my brother living in a "liberal" society where people screw each other the moment they get a chance. I don't want him getting some girl pregnant at 14. I know a girl who got pregnant at 15 and her life is ruined now. I don't want any member of my family to be the cause of that.

I got pregnant when I was 15 and my life wasn't 'ruined'!! If you consider your life being 'ruined' when you get pregnant, you are a pretty damn selfish person. Sure, my life was changed forever, but it certainly wasn't RUINED.


harzer_knaller @ Tue Jul 25, 2006 12:39 am

Never thought that some Canadians are that prude...

Can humans be scared by naked humans?
That is so "unchristian"...
If God didn't want us to be naked he'd designed us wearing clothes when we are newborn...

btw, I think in Germany women and men are allowed to walk around topless, only your genitals have to be covered... otherwise the police will admonish you...



twister @ Tue Jul 25, 2006 6:55 pm

ya but if we were wearing clothes when we were born.. after that first move the dry cleaning bill would be enourmous...


Arctic_Menace @ Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:43 pm

xerxes xerxes:
Arctic_Menace Arctic_Menace:
MissT MissT:
Yeah, I suppose I find that too.

Speaking of fossils, my mother was arrested crossing the border from Northern (Turkish) Cyprus into Southern (Greek) Cyprus with fossilized pygmy hippo bones! She spent the night in jail but they never charged her, she gave the bones back.... She has some nice paeleontological stuff from the Turkana region of Northern Kenya though. She worked with Richard Leakey for a while.

That's cool! Too bad about jail...

When I go to Greece, I plan to steal me a piece of the Parthenon and the Acropolis..... :twisted: :wink:

Just make sure you don't ever take any lava rocks from any Hawaiian volcanoes.

Dude, rules were made to be broken. :wink: I'm gonna steal any object that I can, as long as it is small. Plus, I know how the new X-ray machines work. Thank you CATSA training. :wink:

Here are a few things on the list(things with a * mean I have it):

Brain Coral*

Fan Coral*

Black Coral*

Piece of the Parthenon

Piece of the Acropolis

Piece of an Indian Temple*

Piece of a Mayan Pyramid

Piece of an Aztec Pyramid

Piece of ancient Constantinople

Piece of Macchu Picchu

Piece of the Pyramids

Piece of the Great Wall

Snow from Kilimandjaro

Snow from the Andes

Hawaiian volcanic rock

Azores volcanic rock

Tahitian volcanic rock

and there are many more on my list of items of archaic things to steal, but these are at the top. I guess I can look forward to alot of time in jail. :P


Canadian_Mind @ Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:55 pm

If you mail em to me with a return address I can keep hold of them while your in jail. You don't want em returning your precious finds on you now do ya?


Arctic_Menace @ Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:57 pm

No I don't, but I can get awy with alot of stuff. I know some tricks...


Tricks @ Tue Jul 25, 2006 8:59 pm

Arctic_Menace Arctic_Menace:
No I don't, but I can get awy with alot of stuff. I know some tricks...
There's more of me? That's scary. 8O


VitaminC @ Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:22 pm

I wonder how we would feel if some greek guy came to Canada and decided he wanted to steal a part of one of our historic forts.


ziggy @ Tue Jul 25, 2006 11:45 pm

Arctic_Menace Arctic_Menace:
No I don't, but I can get awy with alot of stuff. I know some tricks...

You use your evil twin brother,or sister...or whatever.

Damn you look like Klinger off of Mash. :lol:


Arctic_Menace @ Wed Jul 26, 2006 6:56 am

VitaminC VitaminC:
I wonder how we would feel if some greek guy came to Canada and decided he wanted to steal a part of one of our historic forts.

I'd be alright with that, as long as it's small. An eye for an eye I say.

Besides, I'm talking about taking a small shard of marble off of the ground. Something about the size of the end of my pinky finger is what I limit myself to.


Josey @ Fri Aug 11, 2006 6:12 pm

This whole thread has been awesome! Love the pictures and're hillarious!!!!!!!


Blue_Nose @ Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:04 pm

Josey Josey:
This whole thread has been awesome! Love the pictures and're hillarious!!!!!!!
[?] I don't even remember what I wrote in this thread :lol: Thanks anyway!


hwacker @ Fri Aug 11, 2006 8:29 pm


Gawd is that Avro and Mrs Avro ? :roll:



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