Canada Kicks Ass
23% of us are fucked.


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SireJoe @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:09 pm

No Your buddy whacker did that already.


Tricks @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:12 pm

SireJoe SireJoe:
No Your buddy whacker did that already.
Last time I checked I am not Hwackers buddy asshat. Do you or do you not think COnservatives are sexist Racist Homophobes?


Stormrider @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:16 pm

homophobe and proud of it


hamiltonguyo @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:17 pm

IceOwl IceOwl:
hamiltonguyo hamiltonguyo:
oh so you ARE implying that all conservatives are racist sexist homophobes

i was willing to give IdiotOwl the benefit of the doubt but if thats the case

F*** Off

If you consider yourself part of that group, I make no apologies.

I consider myself a conservative, my definition not the fubar one that idiotowl purports


SireJoe @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:22 pm

No, I dont think that. Never would. I try not to generalize people. The article itself is a bit of a joke I think. There are followers in every group you see. Be it con, liberal or otherwise. Some are just a little more scary than others.

If the ideals that the group holds are not bad, then having followers isnt to bad of a thing, but when you get into groups that hold believes that hurt or oppress others, then one should take issue with that.

It would be nice if everyone was just able to make up thier own mind and not have to follow others who hold the leadership role. But that isnt to likely to happen.

But the 23% mark sounds about right. Blind to anything other than what the grandmaster tells them....Wouldnt suprise me if it was a bit more than that even.


SireJoe @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:24 pm

Stormrider Stormrider:
homophobe and proud of it

Why are you proud to be a homophobe? What exactly is it that makes you happy to be someone who hates a group of people?


2Cdo @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:26 pm

SireJoe SireJoe:
Stormrider Stormrider:
homophobe and proud of it

Why are you proud to be a homophobe? What exactly is it that makes you happy to be someone who hates a group of people?

Actually if you dissect the literal meaning of the word "homophobe" it would mean fear, not hate. 8O


Tricks @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:27 pm

2Cdo 2Cdo:
SireJoe SireJoe:
Stormrider Stormrider:
homophobe and proud of it

Why are you proud to be a homophobe? What exactly is it that makes you happy to be someone who hates a group of people?

Actually if you dissect the literal meaning of the word "homophobe" it would mean fear, not hate. 8O
Beat me to the punch ;)


SireJoe @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:29 pm

But thats not the context that people use it in. It may have a literal meaning but thats not how it is used.

Im pretty sure someone who identifies themselve as homophobe does not mean they are afraid of gays, but they do not like them, or hate them.


Tricks @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:30 pm

I think the title should be 46% of us are fucked. Not only conservatives do this, Liberals will do it as well. There will be people who will vote for them till their death, no matter what.


BartSimpson @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:33 pm

2Cdo 2Cdo:
IceOwl IceOwl:
Tonight former Nixon White House Counsel John Dean discussed his intriguing new book "Conservatives without Consciences" as the lead story on Keith Olbermann. In it he described how his discussions with the late Barry Goldwater, the nominal father of the modern conservative movement, evolved from talking about just how far afield that movement has grown to a discussion of how authoritarianism has crept in and taken over the Republican Party.

Sparked by Goldwater, Dean continued to research on the subject with various scholars looking into the psychology of authorianism and found a wealth of information on the subject.

Acording to his findings, a vast majority of Conservatives are drawn into the Leader/Follower archetype, where the Leaders are considered infallable, and the loyalty of the Followers is completely unshakable. About "23% of the populace falls into the follower category" said Dean. "These people are impervious" to fact, rationality and reality. And their "Numbers are growing".

Let's just face it, 23% of us are basically fucked in the head.

I'm looking forward to reading Dean's book in full, but just the glimmers presented on Olbermann were both shocking and at the same time, quite familiar. We've seen this story before in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. There is always the patsy, the scapegoat - the one true source of all of societies ills. In those societies it was the jews or those greedy imperialist Americans.

Now, it's the Liberals.

The rest of the article is here.

And 100% of you is fucked! :roll:

Tut, tut. I'm quite certain that Comrade IceOwl has never been fucked.


SireJoe @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:35 pm

I think its more blind faith in the brand name "liberal" or "conservative" than it is following a certain leader. Some poeple just see conservative or liberal on the ballot and check the box next to it not even looking at the name.

Look at alberta. I am pretty sure 90% of the population there doesnt even care who is running, just as long as they identify themselves as con. Nothing else matters.


Tricks @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:41 pm

SireJoe SireJoe:
I think its more blind faith in the brand name "liberal" or "conservative" than it is following a certain leader. Some poeple just see conservative or liberal on the ballot and check the box next to it not even looking at the name.

Look at alberta. I am pretty sure 90% of the population there doesnt even care who is running, just as long as they identify themselves as con. Nothing else matters.
Well considering that article, conservatives were the target, and it sounds like tha guy would not say anything bad about the libs. So I think he didn't include any other party style.


BartSimpson @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:45 pm

SireJoe SireJoe:
I think its more blind faith in the brand name "liberal" or "conservative" than it is following a certain leader. Some poeple just see conservative or liberal on the ballot and check the box next to it not even looking at the name.

Look at alberta. I am pretty sure 90% of the population there doesnt even care who is running, just as long as they identify themselves as con. Nothing else matters.

Sometimes the choices with the opposition are so poor that, no, nothing else does matter.

I'm a Republican but I'm a conservative first and I've actively supported conservative Democrats over neo-con poseurs several times in the past. I've also supported openly liberal Democrats over openly and unabashedly corrupt Republicans and have never regretted doing so.

Still, there have been those times where you've got two losers to choose from and your choice comes down to choosing YOUR loser over THEIR loser.

Pretty sad.

I think of how John McCain is the Republican the Democrats would vote for and how Zell Miller is the Democrat that Republicans would vote for.

Neither , of course, will ever get past their own party's primaries and caucuses but there it is.


ridenrain @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:53 pm

SireJoe SireJoe:
I am pretty sure 90% of the population there doesnt even care who is running, just as long as they identify themselves as con. Nothing else matters.

I just wanted to record that little nugget for later.
I don't live there but i'm 99.865% sure that you are full of shit and do not have a clue, or care what Alberta is all about.



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