Canada Kicks Ass
23% of us are fucked.


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Stormrider @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:05 pm

SireJoe SireJoe:
But thats not the context that people use it in. It may have a literal meaning but thats not how it is used.

Im pretty sure someone who identifies themselve as does not mean they are afraid of gays, but they do not like them, or hate them.

Its actually a medical condition in my case I even get wheelchair parking cause of it. , I'm fearful of those who intentionally expose themselves to other peoples fecal matter and the 100 live viruses there in, somehow that seems abnormal. So yea I'm fearful of them and disgusted.


MrMarch @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:25 pm

SireJoe SireJoe:
Look at alberta. I am pretty sure 90% of the population there doesnt even care who is running, just as long as they identify themselves as con. Nothing else matters.

As a former Albertan of 31 years, I'd have to say that's a totally incorrect generalization of my provincial peers.


canadian1971 @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 2:26 pm

ridenrain ridenrain:
SireJoe SireJoe:
I am pretty sure 90% of the population there doesnt even care who is running, just as long as they identify themselves as con. Nothing else matters.

I just wanted to record that little nugget for later.
I don't live there but i'm 99.865% sure that you are full of shit and do not have a clue, or care what Alberta is all about.

I lived here for 10 years....Had people tell me, regaurding politics, it's "yellow dog" country....meaning you could run a yellow dog against a Liberal and the dog would win.......90 % is probably a bit much but the majority feel that way imo.


SireJoe @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 6:07 pm

I lived in Alberta actually. Didnt like it very much, but thats not why I said what I did.... I have no idea who has run for the lib or NDP or Greens in Alberta before but when they lose to a guy of ralph kliens stature over and over again....All I see is drones.

Cons! Cons! Cons! Need cons! beep beep beep cons! Vote cons!

But whatever, Im just missing with the Alberties. Im just amazed at who can stay in power for such a long period of time.....Like most cons were amazed at how long the liberals stayed in power. Nothing different.

"Its actually a medical condition in my case I even get wheelchair parking cause of it. , I'm fearful of those who intentionally expose themselves to other peoples fecal matter and the 100 live viruses there in, somehow that seems abnormal. So yea I'm fearful of them and disgusted."

Soooo you are a heterophobic as well then I take it? Any person of heterosexual persuation that engages in anal sex is yet another person you hate?

And just to be clear here, there are virii everywhere. Understandably there are many more in the ass region, but to say that there is disgusting cause it has more is a little loopy to me. Not to mention there are things I like to call CONDOMS.

But hey, to each thier own little world.


Tricks @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:22 pm

IceOwl has a point, lots of people hate things because they are afraid of them. I am afraid of heights and spiders, and I fucking hate them too.


Stormrider @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:41 pm

SireJoe SireJoe:

"Its actually a medical condition in my case I even get wheelchair parking cause of it. , I'm fearful of those who intentionally expose themselves to other peoples fecal matter and the 100 live viruses there in, somehow that seems abnormal. So yea I'm fearful of them and disgusted."

Soooo you are a heterophobic as well then I take it? Any person of heterosexual persuation that engages in anal sex is yet another person you hate?

And just to be clear here, there are virii everywhere. Understandably there are many more in the ass region, but to say that there is disgusting cause it has more is a little loopy to me. Not to mention there are things I like to call CONDOMS.

But hey, to each thier own little world.

Ah there you go again confusing phobia with hate. But hey, to each thier own dictionary. Then theres the unbreakable condom mith , by your logic you could do it with manure pile and it would be good . The homo movement would like to see the rest of us muzzeled and never challange them,they in fact are the intalerent ones.


SireJoe @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:18 pm

Thats fantastic basically, when you walk down the street and see two guys or girls holding hands or kissing you RUN AWAY! Screaming like a little girl afraid that....I dont even know what, they might INFECT you?

Or perhaps you drop into the fetal position? In any event, I'll have to remember this. Any homophobe I see or hear about, Ill see how they react to such an event....should be quite entertaining.


Tricks @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:20 pm

SireJoe SireJoe:
Thats fantastic basically, when you walk down the street and see two guys or girls holding hands or kissing you RUN AWAY! Screaming like a little girl afraid that....I dont even know what, they might INFECT you?

Or perhaps you drop into the fetal position? In any event, I'll have to remember this. Any homophobe I see or hear about, Ill see how they react to such an event....should be quite entertaining.
Do you take some sort of offense to him saying this?


SireJoe @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:33 pm

Did my post make you think I did?


Tricks @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:35 pm

SireJoe SireJoe:
Did my post make you think I did?
Well it seems like anything remotely negative to homosexuals, you are there in a heartbeat. Meh, just noticed.


SireJoe @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:41 pm

I find it amusing is all. I didnt think people were ACTUALLY scared of gay people. THe image of someone running away crying because two guys or girls are holding hands or hugging or kissing is just amusing to me.

Is that not something others preceive as funny?


Stormrider @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 10:07 pm

SireJoe SireJoe:
I find it amusing is all. I didnt think people were ACTUALLY scared of gay people. THe image of someone running away crying because two guys or girls are holding hands or hugging or kissing is just amusing to me.

Is that not something others preceive as funny?
From tone of posts your sound like hetrophobe , how intolerent and narrow.Dude its all sarcasm to yank your chain and see how spinny you'll get about it , you did pretty good.


SireJoe @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 10:20 pm

Errrrrr ok then. And what exactly would classify me as a heterophobe? Do tell.

And thats good to hear. I wouldnt want you running from people cause they like it in the bum. Thats a bit silly.


Hardy @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 10:34 pm

To veer back on-topic for a moment...



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