Canada Kicks Ass
We Should Sit At Peace Table


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Milton @ Sat Dec 04, 2004 1:58 pm

Catherine is right, the time to write is now. I received the following from Mel Hurtig in the email today.
"Next Wednesday Linda Grisley will be sending you a copy of my testimony to the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee. I would be grateful if you would give it wide circulation.

Since George W. Bush's visit, I have had to revise some of my thinking about what is likely going to happen in the House. Where at one time I was lulled into the idea that the Conservatives might vote against BMD, given their performance in the House last Wednesday, and given Harper's meeting with GWB, I am now inclined to believe, despite some positive signs you will find in my document, that ultimately the Conservatives will join with the government in overwhelming the Bloc, the NDP and some
dissident Liberals when a vote in the House takes place.

So, here's where you come in, once again.

It seems to me there is zero chance of stopping the government from signing on in the caucus, the cabinet and only a small chance they can be stopped in the House, despite all the overwhelming and growing evidence why it would be truly terrible if Canada gets involved.

So, then, where can it be stopped? Only one place, the Prime Minister's office. I know that two things are having a big impact. First, the last three public opinion polls have shown growing and strengthening opposition across the country. Second, all the terrific letters you have been sending in to the PMO are having a direct and strong result.

One basic theme has been something like this:

Prime Minister, I have been a Liberal for many years. I supported you in the last election and worked hard in the campaign. However, should you join in the American missile defence scheme, I can assure you that not only will I quit the Liberal Party, but I will personally work very hard against you in the next federal election (etc).

The letters should be no more that half to two-thirds of a page long. No form letters; your own words.

However, and I can't stress this enough, NOW is the time to send your letter. If you have not as yet sent Martin a letter, you're letting the country down. If you've already sent a letter, send another today:

Mr. Prime Minister, in view of the events surrounding the recent visit of U.S. President George W. Bush.....

There is only ONE thing that will stop Paul Martin from selling us out on this - the fear of losing the next election.
While there will be other factors in his decision, that will be #1, far ahead of all others.

So please, sit down today and write your strong letter. Get others to write. Send the letters to Martin.P@"

Mel Hurtig


4Canada @ Sat Dec 04, 2004 2:25 pm

I'm usually at my keyboard the minute I know any politician is getting ready to open their mouths. I praise when I agree and I chastise when I do not.

The only thing is, if Paul Martin wins again, I still feel like I'll spend however long he's in power, sitting at my keyboard waiting for him to open his mouth. We need better people representing us. People we don't feel like we're fighting with over every issue that concerns our wellbeing or the wellbeing of others and our planet.


RPW @ Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:39 pm

It's getting harder all the time for the US to "outspend" their rivals.........the citizenry (like it lump it) is going broke.



RPW @ Sat Dec 04, 2004 4:45 pm

<p><i>"Everyone who cares should be writing to Paul Martin, asap; that is the only way to stop this, to make sure he knows that the next election hangs on his decision."</i></p> Trouble is, Paul Martin has an agenda (not the one he ran on) to continue to kowtow to Bay St. It's the same one that Stephen Harper has in essence, and as he is likely to be Martin's successor in a "hastily" called election, I do not think it is the ONLY way to stop this thing. But that is not to say, don't bother to write. WQriting is simple, effortless, and still has an impact with some.........<p>---<br>RickW


Crankster @ Sun Dec 05, 2004 8:15 am

Blah,Blah,Blah......!!!! As we all sit comfy at our computers,Bush and his henchmen set up for world domination.What the f**k do you think "missle defense is all about!?
Do you think Bush won't do it because Canada is not in the mix?!?!?! They'll go ahead and do it anyway.If that asshole can basically finger the UN and tell them to piss off,what will he do to Canada if we say no.HE"LL DO IT ANYWAY!!!!
That Yankee SOB has to arrested and stopped completely.He and that buck-toothed Brit must be stopped,PERIOD!!!
No amount of letter writing,sitting on arses at computers,cmon,how many letters does that Martin read anyway,Can he read!? I thought he was monkey in a PM suit?
I'm all for peace,I love my neighbor,I love my kids,but,I hate inactivity. Go ahead write your letters,I have as well,but,there will come a time when the chair you sit in won't be thier to support your ass.

A little peice of heaven is found in good deeds.


Jerry Jay @ Sun Dec 05, 2004 8:48 am

"Selling peace" is what Chamberlain and the the rest of the appeasers tried with Hitler before WWII. It will work when we all evolve into the superior human beings who regularly visit this website and favor us with their wisdom.


Jerry Jay @ Sun Dec 05, 2004 8:54 am

Yes, there is no such thing as evil. That is hate speech and should be banned. The folks who chopped off the head, arms and legs of the nice lady who head the CARE agency in Iraq are themselves victims. So is the chap who lopped off the headed of the Dutch filmmaker. When we see evil as merely a misunderstanding about motives we free ourselves to be better human beings.


Jerry Jay @ Sun Dec 05, 2004 9:03 am

!!!!!!! I wanted to get all the exclamation points out of the way first. I too love my neighbors and kids. But what was my point . . . oh, world domination. Only when the rest of the global is in shackles, bowed down to Washington, will Bush be happy and his running dogs in Ottawa and London given kibble as reward. And missile defense against paranoid hermit states like North Korea as mad as rabid skunks is just the start.


RPW @ Sun Dec 05, 2004 10:58 am

<p><i>"The same countries that recruit and send out suicide bombers are developing nuclear missiles...</i></p> GWB wants Star Wars to protect the US from China and Russia. This crap about "rogue nations" and "terrorists" is just that -- crap. The US was at it's "mightiest", psychologically, during the Cold War, and it wants to "go back to a future" where it feels significant once again............McCarthy, are you there?<p>---<br>RickW


Wraun @ Sun Dec 05, 2004 11:55 am

I have written and will write again. I cc'd to stephen harper and to my mp jim gouk (conservative). I have received a reply from my mp only. He included an attached outlining his position on "this very controversial subject" but it was in a format that I could not open (.wpd) Does anyone know what program I need to open it? I have replied to him and asked him to resend in a word document format for me and am still awaiting his response.

Canada for Canadians


Milton @ Sun Dec 05, 2004 12:13 pm

So what else are you suggesting that we do Crankster?


Milton @ Sun Dec 05, 2004 12:20 pm

Wraun, .wpd format is a word perfect file format. You can go to the following site and download a demo file format converter, you can use it a couple of times for free. <p><a href="">Convert Zone</a>


Jerry Jay @ Sun Dec 05, 2004 12:27 pm

Worse would be outside with your nose against the window.


Guest @ Sun Dec 05, 2004 12:49 pm

Wake up Jerry Jay. Korea has the capacity for one or two nuclear arms that MAY be able to hit Hawai or the west coast. Compare it with the U.S. , already armed to the teeth, with the capability to destroy the earth many times over with their own nuclear weaponry, and for fear of two measly Korean missiles, the US shits its pants ? Gimme me a break will ya . Take a hike and take your propangada filled diaper with you.


Jerry Jay @ Sun Dec 05, 2004 1:41 pm

My, such elegance. The U.S. has logged about a half century now of nuclear restraint -- as have the Russians, French and Israelis -- and nobody's pulled the trigger yet. But The North Koreans are the wild card in more ways than one. If a country and a people can be said to be paranoid schizophrenics, it's them. They've allowed millions of their own to die of starvation rather ask the rest of the world to bail out the failed Stalinist-style brand of agriculture. Any government capable of that should be deemed capable of any insanity. Oh, and last time I looked Hawaii and the West Coast were part of the U.S. and entitled to defense.



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