Canada Kicks Ass
We Should Sit At Peace Table


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4Canada @ Fri Dec 03, 2004 3:34 pm

<strong>Written By:</strong> 4Canada
<strong>Date:</strong> 2004-12-03 14:34:00
<a href="/article/203439338-we-should-sit-at-peace-table">Article Link</a>

full article:
<a href=""></a>


Milton @ Fri Dec 03, 2004 5:49 pm

I agree with Linda, we should be selling peace. There are no defensive weapons, they are all offensive. We should have nothing to do with space based weapons systems.These systems are designed for blitzkreig pre-emptive strikes, shock and awe on a nuclear scale. We don't any more of that on this planet. Break the chain reaction, stop the maddness now!


nancymarie @ Fri Dec 03, 2004 7:34 pm

wow - when did we lose free access to the star?

Anyone care to cut and paste for the pennyless?

... just a friendly reminder to always take the internet less seriously than you take your gut!


Milton @ Fri Dec 03, 2004 7:45 pm

It is still free, take another look at the registration options.


nancymarie @ Fri Dec 03, 2004 9:02 pm

thanks Milton - WHY do we need to register? sigh

... just a friendly reminder to always take the internet less seriously than you take your gut!


4Canada @ Fri Dec 03, 2004 9:03 pm

Not just space based, I think we need to push for weapons bans altogether. Go back to row boats, horse and carriage, and if you *have* to protect yourself slapping, scratching, biting and kicking just like any immature child would. The trouble is it's that same childish mentality that finds comfort in the war machinery and would rather annihilate your once buddy, now enemy, and okay, buddies again.


Guest @ Fri Dec 03, 2004 10:10 pm

Peace is kept through deterrence and the missile defence system represents deterrence. Canada won't be able to defend itself against missile attacks, we must co-operate with our allies - the British, Japanese, Danish, Australians and of course Americans.

The same countries that recruit and send out suicide bombers are developing nuclear missiles and would certainly sell them to the highest bidder - so disarming ourselves is completely misguided. And those who think a Canadian or American city deserves to be attacked, as some people have mentioned, are completely evil.


4Canada @ Fri Dec 03, 2004 10:24 pm

*Evil* is a word that belong in Jesusland. But if that is the only language you understand then, people that dream up the kinds of weapons that are being used today as deterrents are *evil*.


Perturbed @ Fri Dec 03, 2004 10:24 pm

Register--Orwell said you'd have to. :)


hoopoe @ Sat Dec 04, 2004 3:19 am

To quote another Star writer (Thomas Walkom), “There is little advantage being at the table when you’re the busboy.”


Guest @ Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:25 am

Who told you that "the enemy" is developing nuclear weapons? Bush? Isn't that the same guy who told you that Saddam Hussien had wmd's? Ya that's what I thought. Can't you recognize the fear tactics that are being used on you?
<blockquote>"And the things that they fear, are a weapon to be used against them" Neil Peart 1984</blockquote>
Imagine all the good that could have been done with the billions of dollars that the u.s. has spent killing people in Iraq. Now imagine how many terrorist threats there would be against a nation so strong, yet so noble as to truly help those people instead of killing them.


Wraun @ Sat Dec 04, 2004 9:28 am

DOH! That anonymous post was me. and I forgot to change it to html. Too early in the morning again.

Canada for Canadians


RPW @ Sat Dec 04, 2004 10:19 am

According to Paul Martin, space-based defense IS NOT the same as weaponization of space................

So we know for sure now, that Canada (Bay Street) is going to take the plunge into that money pit (courtesy of Canadian taxpayer).



whelan costen @ Sat Dec 04, 2004 12:26 pm

Everyone who cares should be writing to Paul Martin, asap; that is the only way to stop this, to make sure he knows that the next election hangs on his decision.

There is no defence of space weapons, we'll all be annihilated, the shield doesn't work, but the money still pours out into the pockets of the corporate warmongers. The arms race begins, Russia and China are not going to sit on their hands while the great U.S. arms itself and takes over space. That is the reality of this decision, control of space by one power, no protection for anyone and living in fear is all that will be left. So basicly there won't be a table to sit at, or food to eat or air to breath. It really is a no brainer decision, say No and instead take the path to peace, we could be leaders, if they chose to be.

If I stand for my country today...will my country be here to stand for me tomorrow?


Guest @ Sat Dec 04, 2004 1:54 pm

And airport screeners are suppossed to represent deterence as well dumbnuts and that did not stop Osama and gang from finding a hole and stealing aircraft.

Fox readers you need to broaden your version of reality.

Missile Defence is yet another lie for the already conned.



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