Canada Kicks Ass


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PluggyRug @ Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:12 am

Delwin Delwin:
Elvis Elvis:
No a Democrat in the sens of someone who has democratic value!!!!!

So are you a Democrat?
Ok, i'll bite, yes I believe in democratic values, and the laws which govern a democracy. I believe that the people of a nation should create their own destiny and that the government is a means to do this, and that the government is in place to speak on behalf of the people, not to speak in place of the people. I sense a follow up question here...

So why are you voting Liberal?


Delwin @ Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:24 am

Elvis Elvis:
Delwin you have to understand the danger in denying a people there right to self determination. Us Quebecer have chosen the democratic Process to obtain our country. In the history of the world that's a rare thing.

But if the Canadian government cheat then the democratic option will be off the table. Do you understand all that this scandal imply?
Would you rather choose to live beside the democratic country of Québec or this?
You know, I don't think I will ever understand the seperatist perspective. In school, I was taught about the great French colonists who helped to make this country what it is. People like Jaques Cartier who helped map out this country. I learned about the oppression of the French under the occupation of the British after the battle of Montreal and all of the struggles that the people had to make just to achieve equality. I learned about great thinkers like Rene Levesque who faught so hard to define Quebec and Trudeau wou help to bring us the charter....

I for one can not understand how a people who have faught so hard to make this country great for so very long, would be willing to give it up in order to start from scratch. This country is your country and you should be proud of it.


Elvis @ Wed Jan 11, 2006 11:37 am

Désolé Delwin mais le Canada n'est pas mon pays.

I for one can not understand how a people who have faught so hard to make this country great for so very long, would be willing to give it up in order to start from scratch.

It's because it is about time for us to build our nation according to Us. Time have change and the Quebecois have evolve. Now it is our turn to build our own country. Like Gilles duccepe has said it's easy between neibor to agree on the color of a fence but when your neibor start to repaint your bedroom then you have a problem.


danikyvor @ Wed Jan 11, 2006 1:23 pm

This entire thread is giving me a headache.

Yet I'm curious to read because it's bloody hilarious watching you guys throw insults around at each other all day long.

Everyone has made their point I think. Stop going over old ground.

Agree to disagree. Try as you all might, Separatists and Federalists are never EVER going to see the other side of the coin. It's a lost cause.

But it's funny to read. :)


Mika @ Wed Jan 11, 2006 10:53 pm

Jack Layton: I hate his way of speech, he pulled out a few good points but most of the debate was the same old, "you have a third choice, one that knows what you want etc.... vote more NDP into the house" I understand he is trying to get seats but anyone that listens to that and votes for him because of that is truly simple minded. I found it anoying and very not productive. Although he did show that in various points he understands that people are important too, but the fact is some coorperate tax cuts must happen. Attacked both libs and cons.

Harper: Had some good points, clearly outlined his plan, but not costs and numbers. Plus I never knew that 30% of Canadians make less the 8000 dollars, unless Harper is counting children as well I'm quite sure his numbers are wrong. He also try and fight the nationalism battle and lost terribly to Martin.

Martin: Well outlined a few plans, I found him enthusiastic, and I find given the chance he may be able to do something, nothing has really been done with the minority government due to the fact that it is a minority government. Shut down Harper on nationalism issue. Once again lacked numbers, makes promises yet I would like to see results. In the debate I noticed that he was getting agree with the debate, and I find it was due to the fact that it was a very childish and stupidly going debate, parties concentrated more on attacks then policies. I personally have enough of thew Liberals did the scandal and so on, we know now what do you plan to do to fix it and makesure that it does not happen again.(Harper was probably the only one who proposed anything on that, the accountability act, I'm not sure whether its good or bad)

Duceppe: Not super with english but I found that he understood the questions that were asked not like Harper in french(mainly in the december debate) Found that effectivly showed his position and also showed a good plan of what the leader should do, I find he would make the best leader if not a seperatist, displays most leader like behavior. Was able to provide numbers in various sectors, seemed most intelligent and although not as enthusiastic as Martin, probably made second, I found Harper came last in that sector, although he was pretty calm he looked stiff and his smile was very "evil" shall I say.

Overall in the debate I found Duceppe proved to be the best debator.


Virgil @ Fri Jan 13, 2006 4:17 pm

Delwin Delwin:
It's like I said earlier, it's about Rene Leveques referendum law, outside agencies can't interfere with a national referendum, he can't say Quebec is a nation or, an outside ad angency (options Canada)would be breaking that law.Duceppe is trying to invalidate the last referendum so he can spawn a new one.Unfortunately for Duceppe, everyone else in Canada would descibe the referendum as a provicial one, not a national one, if I as a Canadaian non-Quebecer would have gotten to cast a vote, I would totally agree with him.

Ok, so tell me how Metis is a nation, but Quebec is not?


ambivalent @ Fri Jan 13, 2006 4:32 pm

*mutters something about the disingenuous conflation of "nation" and "country"*


Virgil @ Sat Jan 14, 2006 9:14 pm

Everyone knows that as is, Quebec is not a country. But all the qualities that make the Metis a nation, Quebec possesses. Quebec is a nation.


Fitter @ Fri Feb 03, 2006 9:15 am

Martin won...he is retired.


Fitter @ Fri Feb 03, 2006 9:15 am

Martin won...he is retired.


Fitter @ Fri Feb 03, 2006 9:26 am

Martin won...he is retired.



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