Canada Kicks Ass
Been hunting?


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figfarmer @ Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:13 pm

Hey; hunting season was short for me this year. Tuesday morning, 06:20. on the way in to our (Crown land.) trail my buddy (A serviceman from Petawawa I kinda adopted because my brother in law invited him down to hunt in 1997 and neglected to tell he didn't know a .303 from channel 11 weather.) spotted a nice six point, but had his rifle all netatly stowed where it would have taken an act of God to get it out before the deer was eight counties away. I harvested it. Wednesday morning, 06:15, I was walking back the road and he was telling me he dreamed about deer crossing his back trail. I said I'g hang back and harvest with the first one that did. About a minute later I bagged a fat four point for him. It's only the second time I've actually harvested one for him, and the only time he went home without one was when they called 2 days into the hunt and sent him to South America with the DART team. I won't tell you how he made up for that... He's moving out west in the spring and I dunno what I'm gonna do now. I'm traumatised!

How's everybody else doing on the hunt?


QBC @ Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:20 pm

Having a pretty good year this year. I've taken two nice 4 points for the freezer, one of them yesterday morning at about 8:45 and my hunting partner took a very nice 3x5 about a month ago. Not a bad year so far. Now it's time for the rutt and to get an 10 point or better.


figfarmer @ Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:26 pm

Usually I take a 4 or a 6, but last year I took a big 9, mostly for the rack. Ken took a ten, with one broke off, so it was a 9 too, and we both were over supplied. I figure I got about 110 pounds with no bones this year and he got about 85. My sister still has lots left from last year and so does Pop. I probably have about 8 pounds, plus a few packs of liver in my freezer. I don't like eating the same meat more than 2x a week, so I'm overstocked again.


QBC @ Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:33 pm

Well, I didn't get a moose this year so a couple of deer is just about perfect for me for the year. If I get another one this year, I'll make jerky, sausage and pepperoni out of it. With the cold weather coming so late this year, the big mule bucks have stayed up above 5000 feet this year a lot longer than most years, so it might be a tough task getting a real big one this year.


figfarmer @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 8:40 pm

Go to Canadian Tire and buy a big plastic toboggan. Even on grass it makes haulage many times easier.


ShepherdsDog @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 9:08 pm

Last fall I got a six pointer and a four pointer. The six pointer I nailed on the last day about 5 minutes before the sun disappeared. My buddy has a rickshaw contraption built for hauling carcasses. A canvas sling, two mountain bike tire and folding rods. It breaks down quite nicely and can haul a shit load of weight, namely dumbasses who fall out of their tree perches and bust legs on the way down ( not me, his brother in law).


figfarmer @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:05 am

of the one I got the year before last. It was the last day of the season and I had to work at midnight, so I was packing up at about 3:15. I had put my coat back on and hung my camera over one shoulder and was about to hang my .303 on the other when I heard what sounded like the cavelry coming over the hill, so I hung the camera back up and too my safety off. A humongous 6 came up the other side of the field I was in at full speed. My first round was a lead poine, which missed entirely of course. The second was a nice fmj Korean surplus round that took hhim through the front shoulders. He was still hobbling and I missed with the third, lead point again, but he dropped right behind my hill anyhow. I pot one through his throat as he wanted to fight, then bled him out. Thankfull a buddy was just up the road with a 4 wheeler to take him out.

I though you just shot brothers in law with broken legs and left them for the bears.


Rev_Blair @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:24 am

Geeze, normally I'd be begging for meat from those of you who are overstocked, but I had a bunch donated to me already. There seems to be plentitude of deer out there this year. I haven't heard of anybody not getting anything.


QBC @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:37 am

At least here in BC, the deer population is huge. With the mild winter over the last, oh, 10 years or so, the population has boomed. Many of us here think that if we evr get another bad winter, the winter die off will be massive. To the point of no hunting for deer for a few years. So we will enjoy the bounty while we can and hopefully thuin out the population enough to keep the numbers healthy.


Chopper @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:38 am

I've been hunting since the first part of September. Seeing LOTS of big bodied deer this year. Wet summer must have been good for forage in the bush. I'm being pretty picky this year though, which isn't normal for me. I normally go out to fill my freezer, but I want a big deer for the wall this year. I missed on a big 5x5 last weekend. I'm disgusted with myself, but at least it was a clean miss.

Quick question...does anyone take neck shots? Any luck with them?


Toro @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:38 am

I thought the title of this thread was "Beer Hunting."


QBC @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:47 am

Chopper Chopper:
I've been hunting since the first part of September. Seeing LOTS of big bodied deer this year. Wet summer must have been good for forage in the bush. I'm being pretty picky this year though, which isn't normal for me. I normally go out to fill my freezer, but I want a big deer for the wall this year. I missed on a big 5x5 last weekend. I'm disgusted with myself, but at least it was a clean miss.

Quick question...does anyone take neck shots? Any luck with them?

Ya know, I used to take neck shots, no meat spoilage, but I gotta tell ya, it's a hard shot. I pretty much only take heart/lung shots now or like I did on my last one, take out the back bone. I don't keep the ribs anyway so heart/lungs shots work well for me.


Proculation @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:55 am

I went for the first (real) time hunting this year. When I was young I went a lot of times but could not have a gun. I had my hunting courses at 12 but I never bought a permit until this year. I had school and now I'm working so I could not have 1 week to go hunting.

The husband of my mother is the president of the shooting club in my region and I was competitioning with pellets and .22 a lot.
However, it was the first time I shot big calibers. To practice before going in the wood, I shot 2 times in the '9' with a scope at 100 yards and 2 other times in the '9' with a old 1941 swedish army gun at 50 yards, standing up. So the moose would have had no chance :wink: .

Unfortunately, I didn't see nor hear anything in the week. :(
There was a lot of fresh moose 'paths' and everyone around where we were got their quotas. Bad luck ! :cry:
At least it was very relaxing and I got some energy to get back in the life in Montreal.


QBC @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:05 am

Ya know, I have today off and was going to take a day off from hunting today, been hunting pretty much on every day off since September 10th.... :wink: With all this talk about hunting, I just have to get my ass out into the bush now, thanx alot everyone!!!!! (twisting my rubber arm)


figfarmer @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:23 am

Funny you should mention that. I hit mine in the neck this year and severed the wind pipe. Usually I shoot high on the rib cage and break the back, but this one was as high above me as it was far away from me and if I had trid for that I would have blown it's stomach out. It jumped once and bled out beautifully. I got Ken's with my normal shot and unfortunately it was a lead round and made kind of a big exit wound. Oh well, we were both mostly grinding this year anyhow. I think of 110 pouns I ground ninety, did ten in roasts and ten in steaks.



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