Canada Kicks Ass


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figfarmer @ Fri Nov 28, 2003 9:53 pm

The difference between Nam and Iraq is that in Iraq the people fighting against the American oppression can be reinforced from, and retreat to, all sides.


blubs @ Fri Nov 28, 2003 10:21 pm

Yup you are sure right about that


HockeyStud @ Tue Jul 27, 2004 3:55 am

thank you. i hate it when people judge our whole country cuz one asshole said something stupid.


dgthe3 @ Fri Jan 14, 2005 11:24 pm

Is it really possible to end all the bashing? there will always be people who like to say stupid things just to get a reaction.
but then again, if their posts get deleted there cannot be a reaction. hmmm, this may work after all.....


Richard @ Sat Jan 15, 2005 12:27 am

One thing Fig in Iraq they have sat coms and don't have the same terrain issues.


Gangrenous @ Sat Jan 15, 2005 1:05 am

God Damn you people. Ban me, boot me, I don't give a fuck.
I said I would never post again on here again, but I can't take it anymore. I come here once to check my PM's and I see this. Talk about a bunch of self centered fucking idiots. None of you know what you are talking about. I'm so angry I've got to post here.

People are dying while you make fun of them. I don't care where the hell it is, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Cyprus.... It doesn't matter. The fact is, its a big fucking joke for you guys and people who think they can make a difference are coming home in big plastic bags. Not just Americans. EVERY country, Canadians too, it's no joke.

I don't care what everybody thinks of GWB. It doesn't matter. And many people who come here will tell all of you, and many of you should already know. He may be the boss, but when you are in a hostile area it doesn't matter anymore.

I am not writing a speech to defend him. I am not expressing any feelings towards the right or the wrong here. My point is to the people, who are dug in and doing their duty, be it whatever race......

I've lived in Canada my entire life, up until the last couple years. The type of work I do here, I meet alot of people, and I travel quite a bit. The bottom line is that Canadians disrespect Americans just as much, if not more than they disrespect us.

You know what. I used to get sick when I heard about governors and members of congress talk about closing the border between us. It's still a topic, but it doesn't bother me anymore. I'm not Americanized. I'll never forget where I came from, or what my grandfather, great grandfather and great uncle did for Canada, but I'll never blame the fucking Americans again for what they do, and its got nothing to do with 9/11. throw that shit right out the window.

Everyone needs to learn a little respect for each other. BOTH countries alike. This is it boys and girls. You are now living the generation that will decide the fate of the world.



mcpuck @ Sat Jan 15, 2005 2:45 am

Gangrenous Gangrenous:
God Damn you people. Ban me, boot me, I don't give a fuck.
I said I would never post again on here again, but I can't take it anymore. I come here once to check my PM's and I see this. Talk about a bunch of self centered fucking idiots. None of you know what you are talking about. I'm so angry I've got to post here.

People are dying while you make fun of them. I don't care where the hell it is, Iraq, Afghanistan, Bosnia, Cyprus.... It doesn't matter. The fact is, its a big fucking joke for you guys and people who think they can make a difference are coming home in big plastic bags. Not just Americans. EVERY country, Canadians too, it's no joke.

I don't care what everybody thinks of GWB. It doesn't matter. And many people who come here will tell all of you, and many of you should already know. He may be the boss, but when you are in a hostile area it doesn't matter anymore.

I am not writing a speech to defend him. I am not expressing any feelings towards the right or the wrong here. My point is to the people, who are dug in and doing their duty, be it whatever race......

I've lived in Canada my entire life, up until the last couple years. The type of work I do here, I meet alot of people, and I travel quite a bit. The bottom line is that Canadians disrespect Americans just as much, if not more than they disrespect us.

You know what. I used to get sick when I heard about governors and members of congress talk about closing the border between us. It's still a topic, but it doesn't bother me anymore. I'm not Americanized. I'll never forget where I came from, or what my grandfather, great grandfather and great uncle did for Canada, but I'll never blame the fucking Americans again for what they do, and its got nothing to do with 9/11. throw that shit right out the window.

Everyone needs to learn a little respect for each other. BOTH countries alike. This is it boys and girls. You are now living the generation that will decide the fate of the world.


What the hell are you trying to say? You swore a lot and said a lot of stuff but yet, you said not a damn thing.

Most of the people on here hate the US government not the US people. Most of the people on here criticise the US government out of concern for US citizens.

It makes me sick that there are guys like you and me over seas killing and dying for a war that is at best immoral. Invading Iraq was definitely illegal by international standards. The American people are good innocent moral people who have been led down a wicked path by a small group of evil-minded bureaucrats that the American people did not even fucking vote for!

At first incursion into Iraq seemed altruistic. Saddam’s regime was ousted and the people were cheering ... but something wasn’t quite right about it. Something stunk ...

Those soldiers trust their leaders. They believe they are doing something historically significant. Thinking about it almost brings tears to my eyes.

WW2 was a just war. Afghanistan was justified. Iraq is a tragedy. Iraq is a betrayal.


Dan74 @ Sat Jan 15, 2005 6:30 am

THe truth is nobody in their right mind is gonna miss Sadam.
A cruise missle in the right place at the right time would have done the job as well as this invasion.Good men and women are dying on both sides in this war.The kidnapping's and beheading of relief workers are not helping the argument for leaving Iraq but I do argree that the U.S should not have invaded to begin with.But the thing is you can't take it back and they cannot leave now.Iran may invade than the U.S has to go back,Another sicko might seize power and they have togo back.A million things could happen but what bothers me is the fact you have Muslim TV reporters blaming the tsunami on the U.S or Isreal or India.Sanity is not high on alot of Important People's list over in that side of the world.And don't start screaming I am saying that all muslims are nuts cause that is not what I mean.Alot of people over there have been taught all their lives that we over in the west are tryin to kill them and history as of late is not doing much to change their minds.
Hateing the U.S is a world pass time and as much as we love to trash them the States are the first people that every country calls when they are in trouble.The U.S Navy was there for disaster relief after the tsunami while Paul Martin was still trying to figure out if DART should be sent and more importantly how.
Bitch about them all you want cause that is your right.They have made sure we have that.


Ralph @ Sat Jan 15, 2005 7:11 am

figfarmer figfarmer:
The difference between Nam and Iraq is that in Iraq the people fighting against the American oppression can be reinforced from, and retreat to, all sides.

Nothing here different from Nam.
Don Dang and Long Son areas were supplied funded and retreated to by China

Dien Bien Phu had Laos to run to and be supplied from
Danang area was supported by Thailand

Mcc Bai and the whole Central highlands area were supported by Cambodia.

So really there is nothing that different about Iraqi and Nam.
Most likely they will prove to have the same out come and long term effects on both peoples


cappee @ Wed Mar 16, 2005 4:39 pm

RoyalHighlander RoyalHighlander:
Thats it folks, no more American bashing.. Let he who is with out sin cast the first stone. We sit here and pass judgment on another country when we should be trying to do something about fixing OUR OWN COUNTRIES PROBLEMS.. So any more American bashing I see will be deleted, no ifs ands or buts...

But I'm in New Zealand. And all the Australian bashing jokes have been used by my Kiwi mates. So who else can I pick on then??? :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P


Canadaka @ Wed Mar 16, 2005 8:30 pm

hehe yah i guess australia and new zealand have a bit oh what Canada/US have goin on. I think its even more out in the open


Ulidian @ Tue Apr 05, 2005 10:15 am

I don't think anybody's making fun of the troops in Iraq (One of them being my brother) nor or they disrespecting them by being criticle of the war or the American government. My motto in this whole sorry mess has been "Support the troops not George Bush".

If it's not done to insult or make fun of, then criticising is every democratic persons right, and if you don't do it then your not much of a democrat!!! Whats the point in having a constitution, bill of rights or whatever if you don't use it. If we don't use it then what are the troops fighting for? More freedom abroad, less at home?

I support the troops 100% I didn't support the war, nor the reasons for going to war. Sadam posed no threat to us at all, if he lived in Cuba or South America he'd have been a tin-pot dictator of a Banana republic. The Castro of the East if you will.

I hope the whole sorry mess ends sooner rather than later.

"War is hell", "The first casualty of war is truth".


Constantinople @ Wed Apr 27, 2005 3:14 pm

Ulidian Ulidian:
Sadam posed no threat to us at all, if he lived in Cuba or South America he'd have been a tin-pot dictator of a Banana republic. The Castro of the East if you will.

Did Castro commit genocide?


flyman01 @ Wed Apr 27, 2005 3:16 pm

TheUSofA1776 TheUSofA1776:
Ulidian Ulidian:
Sadam posed no threat to us at all, if he lived in Cuba or South America he'd have been a tin-pot dictator of a Banana republic. The Castro of the East if you will.

Did Castro commit genocide?

Did the US support that genocide?


Constantinople @ Wed Apr 27, 2005 3:24 pm

flyman01 flyman01:
TheUSofA1776 TheUSofA1776:
Ulidian Ulidian:
Sadam posed no threat to us at all, if he lived in Cuba or South America he'd have been a tin-pot dictator of a Banana republic. The Castro of the East if you will.

Did Castro commit genocide?

Did the US support that genocide?




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