Canada Kicks Ass


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RoyalHighlander @ Mon Jun 16, 2003 8:09 pm

Thats it folks, no more American bashing.. Let he who is with out sin cast the first stone. We sit here and pass judgment on another country when we should be trying to do something about fixing OUR OWN COUNTRIES PROBLEMS.. So any more American bashing I see will be deleted, no ifs ands or buts...


Hopper @ Tue Jun 17, 2003 9:35 am

Ummm....can we still make fun of old George W? :oops: 'Cause you know, that's A LOT of fun. :lol:


TheFixer @ Tue Jun 17, 2003 6:41 pm

Hehehe, I wasnt aware there was any problems that needed correcting in Canada.....


fatbasturd @ Tue Jun 17, 2003 6:53 pm

Where you at in Mississauga Fixer...I used to live in Streetsville right on the Credit Vally River...Reid drive to be exact...PASIT03FAT


TheFixer @ Tue Jun 17, 2003 7:32 pm

I'm in old Meadowvale village


F/sgt Cam @ Mon Nov 24, 2003 9:45 pm

Awww, it's all in good fun. Canada and the US are like brothers, we some time get into some fights and sometimes fight over a girl (or soft wood lumber) but we're there for them in the end....


Mukluk @ Tue Nov 25, 2003 1:18 pm

Please define bashing, and explain how to post something in the Canada/US forum without "bashing".

thanks in advance,


electricbuford @ Wed Nov 26, 2003 7:58 am

Mukluk Mukluk:
Please define bashing, and explain how to post something in the Canada/US forum without "bashing".

thanks in advance,

Examples that are not acceptable : EVERYTHING about America is bad , America is the source of ALL the world's problems, ALL Americans are stupid, America is to blame for EVERYTHING that's wrong in this world.

Perfectly acceptable : George Bush is not as smart as your average chimp - but has a similar appearance, Alot of Americans are ignorant and boorish,Brittany Spears has very little talent, American foreign policy is often hypocrtical - and causes more problems than it solves,Rush Limbaugh is a big , fat , hypocritical , drug addict.

Hope that helps a little.


vXvGiRvXv @ Wed Nov 26, 2003 7:54 pm

thats all fine and dandy. but.. what if we happened to live in the states?


Mukluk @ Wed Nov 26, 2003 8:00 pm

electricbuford electricbuford:
Perfectly acceptable : George Bush is not as smart as your average chimp - but has a similar appearance, Alot of Americans are ignorant and boorish,Brittany Spears has very little talent, American foreign policy is often hypocrtical - and causes more problems than it solves,Rush Limbaugh is a big , fat , hypocritical , drug addict.

Hope that helps a little.

Thank God. I was worried we couldn't post any of the good stuff anymore ;)



RoyalHighlander @ Thu Nov 27, 2003 7:14 am

The type of bashing I was refering to was the stoopid no call for dumb commentts like ;;They are all stupid , or putting them all down becauwe of thier goct's policies.. It was starting to get pretty nasty there for a while.. Its one thing to express an opinion but it's another to start a thread saying you hate Americans cause you dont like how they butter thier bread or some thing lame like that. Even more so now as I have stated in another thread, with whats happening over seas we should temper our comments a bit and show a bit of support for our ordinary American brothers and sisters. You know the ordinary folks like our selves. Imagine having most of the world hate you becaue of what your leader is doing. Its not fair to say the least...


electricbuford @ Thu Nov 27, 2003 8:46 am

[quote="vXvGiRvXv"]thats all fine and dandy. but.. what if we happened to live in the states?

Well, it's real simple - Don't say anything critical ! If somebody mentions Iraq , respond with something like ; " Aw shucks , let's just nuke the bastards n' call it a day - they're askin' fer it anyway ! " To show your patriotism , slap a big American flag on your car - or better yet ; go buy yourself the biggest gas- guzzling SUV you can get, even if you mostly drive alone - and then stick SEVERAL flag stickers on it! - that'll teach those terrorists to mess with the U.S. And by all means - use as much petroleum products as possible - remember , our finest citizens are being killed and maimed to keep a steady supply of that sweet,delicious, black honey flowing.

Whatever you do - DON'T ASK QUESTIONS - it's not patriotic. George Bush and Co. know what's best for America because GOD personally supervises them everyday. The LORD told George Bush that Sadam had to go , and God also wants us to pray for Rush Limbaugh's speedy recovery from drug addiction.You should also pray that homosexuals get cured of their gay-ness , that CEO's get good severance packages instead of laid-off workers, and that John Ashcroft gets whatever he asks for.And under NO CIRCUMSTANCES should you ask how and why 9/11 happened - because that seriously compromises our vital national security, and would surely lead to the total collapse of the country.

Now you know how to behave like a good American.


vXvGiRvXv @ Thu Nov 27, 2003 2:53 pm

gee.. ive always wondered how they did that. thanx electric. and if yew never see another posting from me.. assume ive been shot.. or shipped off to fight against my own will in sum random, little known country that never really did anything to us at all.


figfarmer @ Fri Nov 28, 2003 10:13 am

I hear George is sending another three battalions of the poor to Iraq to get them off the welfare rolls. It is certainly a much better system than we have here in Canada where we give them welfare until it is time for them to collect the old age pension. With any luck he will get rid of several thousand before the outcry from the American public becomes intolerable. He's done so well at not finding Saddam or Osama as well as failing to locate weapons of mass destruction. I wonder what he will fail beautifully at next?


blubs @ Fri Nov 28, 2003 8:40 pm

I can honestly see another Viet Nam type war. If Bush doesnt pull the plug soon. Seems to me he is getting in so deep now that he wont be able to pull out the troops.
And vXvGiRvXv are you sure you arent Canadian sure do sound like one.



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