Canada Kicks Ass
Should Canada Cede the island?


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Canadian_Mind @ Sun Aug 07, 2005 11:46 pm

watta ya know? there has been no response from the icechicken. its time to go huntin for poultry eh? I smell BBQ!


CFChucky @ Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:11 am

Alright, I'll add my 2 cents.

From what I understand, there are some Danish Spec Forces on the island to keep it clean and assert their claim.

Solution to problem: Have DND designate Hans island as a bombing range, and have 2 squadrons of f-18s (The working ones) Overfly the island and drop a missle or two on it.

When Denmark complains that we're bombing their soldiers, respond with "Why are your soldiers on Canadian soil uninvited anyway? If you told us/asked us permission, we wouldn't have bombed. Now get the f$%k out"

End of situation. They know we know what was going on, and they further know that it's not a game anymore. We're serious, and it's our goddamn island.


Canadian_Mind @ Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:15 am

good idea! ever considered joining the military?


Tman1 @ Fri Aug 12, 2005 12:47 am

IceChicken wrote:

Ah, you finally decide to co-operate. It's unfortunate you had to insult me to do so, but all you really had to do was tell me where to look, and I would have done it.

You should have thought of that before you decided to insult me first instead of engaging in proper responses. You baited me, I responded in kind.. Tell you where to look????? Why? I thought you said you read through the thread?!!!! I shouldn't have to tell you where to look. I also see you failed to address this. Don't accuse me of dodging when you did 3 times already.

I didn't lie about anything. If you didn't want me to reply, then you should have stopped replying instead of playing the silly game you play every time you speak. Instead, you got approximately five pages of pointless argument. Hope you're happy, maybe next time you'll know better.

You high on pot again freak? You did lie and I exposed it. Pretty convienient for you to keep dodging it. You said you read through the thread and you made comments that point that you didn't, that is called a lie. Hmm no maybe you should have stopped responding when I repeated 5 times to reread the thread then we wouldn't have page after page of your shredded up cut and paste mile long posts. Trying to swing it around on me coward? Yes, maybe next time you will know better than to come into threads you know jack shit about and fill it up with your useless banter. Keep smoking your dope, maybe then you will have a revelation can't debate properly (not for me for you since I knew that since page 5). Congratulations on ruining this thread.

Aw, poor baby made a swear. You know what that means? You lose!

Yes, it means you are a piece of .....


rgmontal @ Fri Aug 12, 2005 2:06 am

Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Vegemite! It's just that the rest of the world doesn't understand our adoration for it, even though parent company Kraft are owned by an American superfood conglomerate nowadays. I missed it when I was in Canada just a few weeks ago. There was only one place I had Vegemite - l'Auberge Alternatif in Vieux-Montréal - there was this humungous 1kg jar of the stuff!

England's tried to copy the formulaic Vegemite. They even tried to market it out here in Australia - it died the same way the British Empire did. The Brits have given up and they now import Vegemite directly into London supermarkets and Australian Stores (yes, there's a chain of Australian stores selling everything Australian including tim-tams, wagon wheels, lamingtons, robust clothes pegs, Curly-Wurlies, Cherry Ripes, Hills Hoists, and Vegemite amongst other things) since there's so many of us there!


Canadian_Mind @ Fri Aug 12, 2005 9:26 am

rgmontal rgmontal:
Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Vegemite! It's just that the rest of the world doesn't understand our adoration for it, even though parent company Kraft are owned by an American superfood conglomerate nowadays. I missed it when I was in Canada just a few weeks ago. There was only one place I had Vegemite - l'Auberge Alternatif in Vieux-Montréal - there was this humungous 1kg jar of the stuff!

England's tried to copy the formulaic Vegemite. They even tried to market it out here in Australia - it died the same way the British Empire did. The Brits have given up and they now import Vegemite directly into London supermarkets and Australian Stores (yes, there's a chain of Australian stores selling everything Australian including tim-tams, wagon wheels, lamingtons, robust clothes pegs, Curly-Wurlies, Cherry Ripes, Hills Hoists, and Vegemite amongst other things) since there's so many of us there!

I've had vegimite before, not to bad, but I don't think I'd eat it every day. is it short for some other word?


rgmontal @ Sun Aug 14, 2005 4:43 am

Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
rgmontal rgmontal:
Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:

There's absolutely nothing wrong with Vegemite! It's just that the rest of the world doesn't understand our adoration for it, even though parent company Kraft are owned by an American superfood conglomerate nowadays. I missed it when I was in Canada just a few weeks ago. There was only one place I had Vegemite - l'Auberge Alternatif in Vieux-Montréal - there was this humungous 1kg jar of the stuff!

England's tried to copy the formulaic Vegemite. They even tried to market it out here in Australia - it died the same way the British Empire did. The Brits have given up and they now import Vegemite directly into London supermarkets and Australian Stores (yes, there's a chain of Australian stores selling everything Australian including tim-tams, wagon wheels, lamingtons, robust clothes pegs, Curly-Wurlies, Cherry Ripes, Hills Hoists, and Vegemite amongst other things) since there's so many of us there!

I've had vegimite before, not to bad, but I don't think I'd eat it every day. is it short for some other word?

Sorry for not understanding the original point of your first question. As far as I know, it isn't short for any other word. But a Wikipedia search came up with this informative article on it:

Also, follow the links on the page for the Cheesymite Scroll. Personally, I don't like Vegemite with cheese, but they sell like hotcakes at Bakers' Delight. If you ever are in Australia, or ever were in Australia, you'd notice that they are now everywhere much like your beloved Tim Hortons.

(By the way, Tim Hortons does mean bagels! *Droolz over thought of an Everything Bagel with Cream Cheese*)


Spiritbw @ Sun Aug 14, 2005 2:41 pm

My two cents here:

On it's own, Hans Island probably wouldn't be a big deal. It's not in a strategic position to control much of anything other than the one strait. It has no resources so far as anyone can tell. Heck, in size you probably find parking lots that are bigger. To be honest if it was just Denmark and Hans Island we probably would have drawn a line down the middle and promoted it as the only place you could walk from North America to Europe.

The problem is all the other claims being made on supposedly Canadian controlled territories. Some, like the Northwest Passge are of great value specially as global warming reduces the amount of ice and the time it's frozen solid. If were to become navigatable year round it will become the quickest shipping route between Asia and Europe. It's been known for a while that the Artic held large reserves of resources, especially oil, but it's only since the melt has gotten to the point where shipping is easily possible that anyone other than Canada has been interested in it.

The claim for Hans island has been around for some time(1976), but it's only within the last 20 years that claims against other Canadian held areas have become an issue. The biggest problem is that currently there is not enough ships to patrol all the coast and islands. There is a large number of Artic Rangers that patrol the land but guarding the shipping is a bit tougher. As the claims become more insistant it's starting to evolve into an issue about Canada's Soveriegnty which has always beena touchy subject with Canada's identiy being burried under that of the US.

That two of the four claims Canada is combating come from the USA isn't helping either. As long as those other claims exist we're stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand Hans island isn't worth fighting over and probably could be solved with a few negotiations. On the other, we back down even a bit we give those other claims some leverage agaisnt us in situations that really shouldn't be comprimised in the first place.


Canadian_Mind @ Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:54 pm

Spiritbw Spiritbw:
My two cents here:

On it's own, Hans Island probably wouldn't be a big deal. It's not in a strategic position to control much of anything other than the one strait. It has no resources so far as anyone can tell. Heck, in size you probably find parking lots that are bigger. To be honest if it was just Denmark and Hans Island we probably would have drawn a line down the middle and promoted it as the only place you could walk from North America to Europe.

The problem is all the other claims being made on supposedly Canadian controlled territories. Some, like the Northwest Passge are of great value specially as global warming reduces the amount of ice and the time it's frozen solid. If were to become navigatable year round it will become the quickest shipping route between Asia and Europe. It's been known for a while that the Artic held large reserves of resources, especially oil, but it's only since the melt has gotten to the point where shipping is easily possible that anyone other than Canada has been interested in it.

The claim for Hans island has been around for some time(1976), but it's only within the last 20 years that claims against other Canadian held areas have become an issue. The biggest problem is that currently there is not enough ships to patrol all the coast and islands. There is a large number of Artic Rangers that patrol the land but guarding the shipping is a bit tougher. As the claims become more insistant it's starting to evolve into an issue about Canada's Soveriegnty which has always beena touchy subject with Canada's identiy being burried under that of the US.

That two of the four claims Canada is combating come from the USA isn't helping either. As long as those other claims exist we're stuck between a rock and a hard place. On one hand Hans island isn't worth fighting over and probably could be solved with a few negotiations. On the other, we back down even a bit we give those other claims some leverage agaisnt us in situations that really shouldn't be comprimised in the first place.

what claims are we fighting with the states? the only dispute I know of is hans island.


Tman1 @ Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:57 pm

Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
what claims are we fighting with the states? the only dispute I know of is hans island.

The passages in the North. The U.S "claims" that they are international waters and everybody has a right to them. Something they say when they don't have a legitimate claim to anything. It's basically "If we can't have them, everybody can"


Canadian_Mind @ Mon Aug 22, 2005 3:59 pm

Tman1 Tman1:
Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
what claims are we fighting with the states? the only dispute I know of is hans island.

The passages in the North. The U.S "claims" that they are international waters and everybody has a right to them. Something they say when they don't have a legitimate claim to anything. It's basically "If we can't have them, everybody can"

what good is it to us anyways? would we be allowed to take ships going through our waters? and whats the other dispute?


The Hoser @ Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:01 pm

Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
Tman1 Tman1:
Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
what claims are we fighting with the states? the only dispute I know of is hans island.

The passages in the North. The U.S "claims" that they are international waters and everybody has a right to them. Something they say when they don't have a legitimate claim to anything. It's basically "If we can't have them, everybody can"

what good is it to us anyways? would we be allowed to take ships going through our waters? and whats the other dispute?

When the NWP opens up it's going to be a very important Shipping Lane. It's necessary that it be in Canadian hands if we ever hope to become a Superpower.



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