Canada Kicks Ass
Should Canada Cede the island?


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Canadian_Mind @ Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:04 pm

The Hoser The Hoser:
Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
Tman1 Tman1:
Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
what claims are we fighting with the states? the only dispute I know of is hans island.

The passages in the North. The U.S "claims" that they are international waters and everybody has a right to them. Something they say when they don't have a legitimate claim to anything. It's basically "If we can't have them, everybody can"

what good is it to us anyways? would we be allowed to take ships going through our waters? and whats the other dispute?

When the NWP opens up it's going to be a very important Shipping Lane. It's necessary that it be in Canadian hands if we ever hope to become a Superpower.

US? superpower? 32.5 million people = superpower? I'm not trying to be modest, i don't see how it could be done. I would definitally like it to happen though.


BartSimpson @ Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:20 pm

Tman1 Tman1:
Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
what claims are we fighting with the states? the only dispute I know of is hans island.

The passages in the North. The U.S "claims" that they are international waters and everybody has a right to them. Something they say when they don't have a legitimate claim to anything. It's basically "If we can't have them, everybody can"

Hmmm. While I agree in principle that the area is Canadian, Canada signed the Convention on the Seas and agreed that Intenational Waters are any waters more than 12 nautical miles from sovereign territory. It is possible to navigate that particular waterway without impinging on internationally recognized Canadian territorial limits. You're the guys who are always beating me over the head with international governance and here it is biting you in the ass.

Now you know why I'm not a big fan of international governance of what should clearly be national sovereignty issues.

The passage transects hundred of miles of Canada without violating international limits, but still, it just seems wrong to be able to see Canada on both sides of a ship for hundreds of miles yet to legally be in international waters.

And control of the passage could make Canada a superpower.


Tman1 @ Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:21 pm

Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
The Hoser The Hoser:
Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
Tman1 Tman1:
Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
what claims are we fighting with the states? the only dispute I know of is hans island.

The passages in the North. The U.S "claims" that they are international waters and everybody has a right to them. Something they say when they don't have a legitimate claim to anything. It's basically "If we can't have them, everybody can"

what good is it to us anyways? would we be allowed to take ships going through our waters? and whats the other dispute?

When the NWP opens up it's going to be a very important Shipping Lane. It's necessary that it be in Canadian hands if we ever hope to become a Superpower.

US? superpower? 32.5 million people = superpower? I'm not trying to be modest, i don't see how it could be done. I would definitally like it to happen though.

I think what Hoser means is that WE as Canadians will have a big impact on territorial waters along the lines of shipping. Oil and other resources that might be found there would also benefit us but to say we would become a "superpower" is stretching it a bit though.


Tman1 @ Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:26 pm

BartSimpson BartSimpson:
And control of the passage could make Canada a superpower.

How? Having control over a piece of land (or in this case territorial waters) isn't enough to make one a superpower. While the concept seems nice, it is highly unlikely.


canadian1971 @ Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:02 pm

It's the sheer fucking principle of the matter imho.

Who cares what it is, or what importance it may have in the future. That's a part of my country, not Denmark. Back off or I'll move to that bloody island and if you show up again I'll send you home with a rupture. :x :lol:


Canadian_Mind @ Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:15 pm

canadian1971 canadian1971:
It's the sheer fucking principle of the matter imho.

Who cares what it is, or what importance it may have in the future. That's a part of my country, not Denmark. Back off or I'll move to that bloody island and if you show up again I'll send you home with a rupture. :x :lol:

actually, if a dedicated citizen lived there, the dispute would be solved.


The Hoser @ Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:25 pm

I vote that we get 1971 really drunk and put him on a heli and fly him out, than put TV cameras on the island and watch him. It'd be a killer Reality TV shot.


Canadian_Mind @ Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:33 pm

The Hoser The Hoser:
I vote that we get 1971 really drunk and put him on a heli and fly him out, than put TV cameras on the island and watch him. It'd be a killer Reality TV shot.

make a new survivor series on hans island, full of a bunch of drunk canadians


The Hoser @ Mon Aug 22, 2005 6:36 pm

Survivor, Eh?:
Piece-O'-Shit Island

Ehhhhhhhh ehhhhhhhh ehhh ehhhhhhh ehhhehhehhhhhhhhhhh


Ruxpercnd @ Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:56 pm

When the NWP opens up it's going to be a very important Shipping Lane. It's necessary that it be in Canadian hands if we ever hope to become a Superpower.

Superpower? Canada?

Using this reasoning, Panama and Egypt would be superpowers for their canals that connect the different oceans. But they are not. And Canada will not.

This is not to denigrate Canada at all. Canada is a wonderful country that happened to claim some uninhabitable arctic because all it took was to draw some lines on a map. Canada has no investment there and no development. International law pretty well defines the use of waterways and Canada's claim to the NW Passage is not supported by that law. Also, claiming the NW Passage is not necessary to Canada's security.


Tman1 @ Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:04 am

Just found this article. Canada sending it's might and power now? Hmm next move is up to the Danes.

P.S, didn't the Danes just send a warship?


Canadian_Mind @ Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:30 am

Tman1 Tman1:
Just found this article. Canada sending it's might and power now? Hmm next move is up to the Danes.

P.S, didn't the Danes just send a warship?

that they did. they didn't plant a flag on advice od the ambassadors, as it would re-fuel the dispute.


Tman1 @ Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:33 am

Maybe we'll see a good ol fashioned naval battle between the Danes and Canada."Bam, BANG" went the Canadian guns destroying the Danes puny warship. Thus brings upon a war between the most inept military powers on Earth.


Canadian_Mind @ Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:42 am

Tman1 Tman1:
Maybe we'll see a good ol fashioned naval battle between the Danes and Canada."Bam, BANG" went the Canadian guns destroying the Danes puny warship. Thus brings upon a war between the most inept military powers on Earth.

that would be intreasting. to coastal patrol vessels with a pee shooter vs. a 3500 ton frigate made out of lego that fires 1100lb blocks of lego at ya from 5 miles away. sounds like fun... bring it! PDT_Armataz_01_36 PDT_Armataz_01_40 PDT_Armataz_01_41 PDT_Armataz_01_40 PDT_Armataz_01_36 PDT_Armataz_01_37 and when were all in the life boats it'll be [boxing] . however. i wouldn't want to be the poor sucker that has to [boxing] with a viking.


orangeman @ Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:50 am

Curling solves all problems. The island is just long enough for a rink. Let the stones land where they will and produce a winner.



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