Canada Kicks Ass
Should Canada Cede the island?


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polemarch1 @ Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:24 pm

Canada has to invest more in the Arctic. It's all well and good to say it's ours but if we can't back up that claim with any signifgent presence the rest of the world gonna tell us to go screw ourselves. :?


RUEZ @ Mon Aug 01, 2005 5:26 pm

polemarch1 polemarch1:
Canada has to invest more in the Arctic. It's all well and good to say it's ours but if we can't back up that claim with any signifgent presence the rest of the world gonna tell us to go screw ourselves. :?
I agree, but I'm not going to hold my breath that the Liberals will do the right thing.


The Hoser @ Mon Aug 01, 2005 6:35 pm

This is one of those arguments where you wan't to run up and stab the PM for not investing more in the Artic and than just telling to do it and stop stuffing their pockets. Who's with me?! I'd reckon 5 of us should be able to get the job done... After all, some drunk with a knife from KFC did it.


Tman1 @ Mon Aug 01, 2005 7:59 pm

IceOwl IceOwl:
No, you're all wrong.

*channeling Triumph the Insult Comic Dog*

The answer is: who gives a shit!

It's a chunk of dirt that probably has a year-round population of zero! What the hell are we fighting over?!!

What to fight for? Hmm lets see. How about the oil and natural gas that has BIG potential in the North. Wait, if not that, how about asserting our rights as a sovereign nation without letting other countries step over us..right?


The Hoser @ Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:00 pm

IceOwl IceOwl:
No, you're all wrong.

*channeling Triumph the Insult Comic Dog*

The answer is: who gives a shit!

It's a chunk of dirt that probably has a year-round population of zero! What the hell are we fighting over?!!

We're fighting for Canada's reputation world wide, that's what we're fighting for. We're fighting to change Canada from the push-over clowns a lot of countries think of us as. That'd somthing worth fighting for, if you ask me.


Tman1 @ Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:03 pm

IceOwl IceOwl:
Is there oil and gas under Hans Island? Does that tiny chunk of land that nobody's using (I'm assuming.. nobody's said otherwise yet) actually threaten our soveriegnty?

Is there oil and gas under Hans Island specifically? Maybe, maybe not. Is there potential for oil and gas to be in the North within the same vicinity as Hans Island? Possibly. Does Hans Island threaten our sovereignty? No, but if we let others walk over us, whats to stop other nations from taking the North?


Tman1 @ Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:07 pm

IceOwl IceOwl:
Tman1 Tman1:
IceOwl IceOwl:
Is there oil and gas under Hans Island? Does that tiny chunk of land that nobody's using (I'm assuming.. nobody's said otherwise yet) actually threaten our soveriegnty?

Is there oil and gas under Hans Island specifically? Maybe, maybe not. Is there potential for oil and gas to be in the North within the same vicinity as Hans Island? Possibly. Does Hans Island threaten our sovereignty? No, but if we let others walk over us, whats to stop other nations from taking the North?

If Hans island doesn't threaten our soveriegnty, then how are we letting anyone "walk over us"? There are far more important issues to worry about.

Your right there is. But unfortunatly, those problems are not going to be solved because nobody cares about them much to do something about them instead of solving this particular problem. Would you agree that more oil and natural gas would benefit this country?


Tman1 @ Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:26 pm

IceOwl IceOwl:
Tman1 Tman1:
Your right there is. But unfortunatly, those problems are not going to be solved because nobody cares about them much to do something about them instead of solving this particular problem. Would you agree that more oil and natural gas would benefit this country?

How can you ask that question, when you don't even know if there is any such thing under Hans Island?

Read the news articles then dummy. If you can't take their word for it, consider it a hypothetical question.This thread is about Should Canada cede the Island. Consider the implications if Canada does. Its not about what issue is more important. :roll:


Ruxpercnd @ Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:36 pm

The bottom line is that Canada really can't support it's claim to the Arctic. Get used to it.

Some excerpts from: ... kings.html

"......If Denmark wins its case, other states may come to regard the Canadian ability to protect its northern interests as weak."

"....Thus the real problem of the modern day Vikings is not over Hans Island itself, but in that it demonstrates how bare the Canadian cupboard is to defend the Canadian north! The Canadian ability to know what is happening in the north and to subsequently act, is almost nonexistent. Given the fact Canadian northern boundaries are constantly being challenged by others, Canadians should be concerned. ....."


Tman1 @ Mon Aug 01, 2005 8:45 pm

Ruxpercnd Ruxpercnd:
The bottom line is that Canada really can't support it's claim to the Arctic. Get used to it.

Canada can't support their claim? Why not? Can they do much as of now? No, will they be able to in the future? Probably.



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