Canada Kicks Ass
Should Canada Cede the island?


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Ruxpercnd @ Mon Aug 01, 2005 9:25 pm

I used google earth (formerly Keyhole) with the show borders option on to look at the Canadian border ( in yellow line). Notice that someone at the imaging/mapping company does not believe that Canada's Borders extend far into the Arctic. The yellow border stops short of the arctic islands.

....further casting doubts on Canada's claims....



Thematic-Device @ Mon Aug 01, 2005 9:29 pm

I notice likewise on that map greenland isn't considered a country either despite them receiving self government nearly 26 years ago.


Zeipher @ Mon Aug 01, 2005 9:47 pm

Dude, Greenland isn't a country. If it was then why would Denmark be fighting for Hans Island in the first place?


Tman1 @ Mon Aug 01, 2005 11:51 pm

IceOwl IceOwl:
Tman1 Tman1:
IceOwl IceOwl:
Tman1 Tman1:
Your right there is. But unfortunatly, those problems are not going to be solved because nobody cares about them much to do something about them instead of solving this particular problem. Would you agree that more oil and natural gas would benefit this country?

How can you ask that question, when you don't even know if there is any such thing under Hans Island?

Read the news articles then dummy.

I asked you, and you said you didn't know. Personally, I don't care if there's gas or oil in the vicinity of Hans Island. You're the one who brought it up, maybe you should be the one doing the reading.

If you can't take their word for it, consider it a hypothetical question.

Take whose word for what? You don't even know if gas or oil are in any way related to this subject, so how can I take anyone's word? As for hypothetical questions, that's bullshit. We're talking about things that either exist in the real world or don't, and you still haven't been able to produce a single grain of evidence pointing to one or the other, yet you continue to argue the position.

This thread is about Should Canada cede the Island. Consider the implications if Canada does.

What implications?

Its not about what issue is more important. :roll:

Yes it is. Why is this issue important? You keep asking me to "consider the implications", but you don't even know what they are.

I asked you, and you said you didn't know. Personally, I don't care if there's gas or oil in the vicinity of Hans Island. You're the one who brought it up, maybe you should be the one doing the reading.

Your the one who asked why I would ask a question like that and I responded. I got my information from news articles and journals, its up to YOU to read, so don't turn it around on me. I also mentioned if you can't take it at face value, treat it as a hypothetical question....hmm I see you failed to answer..thought so.

Take whose word for what? You don't even know if gas or oil are in any way related to this subject, so how can I take anyone's word? As for hypothetical questions, that's bullshit. We're talking about things that either exist in the real world or don't, and you still haven't been able to produce a single grain of evidence pointing to one or the other, yet you continue to argue the position.

I was on this thread way before you, look at the previous posts, I already posted my position. Hey, you flounderd onto this thread, seems you can't seem to discuss the actual topic. Take whose word for what? Do you read newspapers? Online journals? The journalists who write this stuff? My single grain of evidence is in the articles who relate to this particular topic. Nice dodge dum dum. If you can't at least answer for the fun of it, don't bother responding with this dodge material. At least I have a position to argue, I have yet to see anything substantial from your end bucko.

What implications?

The implications that Canada cannot defend itself or letting other countires take over bits and pieces of Canada. You playing dumb or you actually need to question this?

Yes it is. Why is this issue important? You keep asking me to "consider the implications", but you don't even know what they are.

I know what the implications are. Like I said, you floundered onto this thread and now you question "Why is this issue important?" What was the point in coming onto this thead if you were not at least aware of the impact? Educate yourself, particularily within this thread instead of floundering and posting at the last page.

Why don't you separate yourself from your taking apart each and every sentence and responding with condescending bullshit and actually question the thread. Should Canada cede the Island....simple.


CaptainDodd @ Tue Aug 02, 2005 5:57 am

Look.. the boarders don't even include Nunavut and its capital..that is undisputedly canadian, especially considering we have a form of government in place there...

I would only further ignore that map, and assume it to be another example of the incorrect trash that appears on the net...

As for those who say, who cares about the island, and than the long dispute over the possibility of there being fossil fuels under or near it.. You guys are being a little narrow minded.. Oil.. maybe, Sovereignty.. FOR SURE..

IT is more an issue of Canadians being able to hold their claims to the north, and visa versa for denmark.. The possibility of a tremendous trade route if the artic opens as a sea route, than Canada and Denmark are interested in the profits that follow..


The Hoser @ Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:09 am

Ruxpercnd Ruxpercnd:
I used google earth (formerly Keyhole) with the show borders option on to look at the Canadian border ( in yellow line). Notice that someone at the imaging/mapping company does not believe that Canada's Borders extend far into the Arctic. The yellow border stops short of the arctic islands.

....further casting doubts on Canada's claims....


Ooooooooooooo, some idiot on the net frogets to draw in some yellow lines and suddenly Canadian soverignty is at stake? And look, that map doesn't even include the Territories' boundries, what a load of trash!


CaptainDodd @ Tue Aug 02, 2005 8:18 am

yeah.. thats what i said... peeps don't


CanadianLynx @ Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:52 am

Hans island is small potatoes...if Canada can't win this then how the HELL are we going to claim our sovereignty over the Northwest Passage..much more important issue especially with the melting of the Artic Ice-Cap Artic Meltdown


CaptainDodd @ Tue Aug 02, 2005 11:59 am

CanadianLynx CanadianLynx:
Hans island is small potatoes...if Canada can't win this then how the HELL are we going to claim our sovereignty over the Northwest Passage..much more important issue especially with the melting of the Artic Ice-Cap Artic Meltdown

Exactly, if u read through the entire post, you would see that argument has been done, as has probably just about everyone.. i think the answer is clear (unbiasly :wink: ) Canada should keep the island, and denmark can go cry to their
I think that we have clearly cleaned this topic up.. sucked er dry..


Tman1 @ Tue Aug 02, 2005 1:03 pm

CaptainDodd CaptainDodd:
Look.. the boarders don't even include Nunavut and its capital..that is undisputedly canadian, especially considering we have a form of government in place there...

I would only further ignore that map, and assume it to be another example of the incorrect trash that appears on the net...

As for those who say, who cares about the island, and than the long dispute over the possibility of there being fossil fuels under or near it.. You guys are being a little narrow minded.. Oil.. maybe, Sovereignty.. FOR SURE..

IT is more an issue of Canadians being able to hold their claims to the north, and visa versa for denmark.. The possibility of a tremendous trade route if the artic opens as a sea route, than Canada and Denmark are interested in the profits that follow..

Hmm for once we agree completely CaptainDodd. Yes, Canada does need to assert its claims to its territory unless others claim it. Canada does indeed benefit from claiming the passage and the arctic when global warming reveals oil and other resources there. Can we honestly let a tiny lame country like Denmark take a little island over? Think on how it would look on the world stage.


Tman1 @ Tue Aug 02, 2005 1:09 pm

CanadianLynx CanadianLynx:
Hans island is small potatoes...if Canada can't win this then how the HELL are we going to claim our sovereignty over the Northwest Passage..much more important issue especially with the melting of the Artic Ice-Cap Artic Meltdown



Tman1 @ Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:08 pm

IceOwl IceOwl:

Do you have the complete inability to follow a conversation? In my second reply in this thread, I asked if you knew if gas or oil had anything to do with Hans Island, and you said you didn't know. Then you continued to ask me about gas and oil in an emotional context while still not answering the question of whether or not there even was any. That's why I asked how you could ask that question.

Then you have a problem with that as well. I suggested the potential for oil and other resources to be in the North while you came back and asked if there was any under Hans Island. I responded that there could be. You came out of nowhere and asked about Hans Island, I merely suggested the general area of the North. I then asked you a fun question (you know what a fun question is right?) I can ask that question on the hopes that some intelligent fellow would follow up on it. Sorry, I chose the wrong person.

Ah, so you have read something. So now you can answer my question: what does gas and oil have to do with Hans Island?

Again, I mentioned the whole Arctic region where you come in specifically with Hans Island. Hans Island has the potential for oil and natural gas because it's in the arctic, am I positive there is gas there? I couldn't say, news articles have suggested that. It is a reletivly unknown land wouldn't you say?Hans Island is also important for shipping rights around the region and protecting our sovereignty. Seems you tried to spit at me but looks like you missed.

A hypothetical question about what? If there was only hypothetically gas and oil, I still wouldn't care. The island is in a part of the world where I would rather not see more gas and oil discovery. There could be gas and oil under my house, or in the Sahara desert too. Maybe we should lay claim to the Sahara desert before someone gets the oil under it.

I asked if having oil and gas around the Hans Island region would benefit Canada, not exactly a mind numbing question is it? You call me obtuse but looks more like you fit the bill. The island is in a part of the world where you would rather not see more gas and oil discovered? Tough nuts, it will be discovered and what do you think is going to happen? What will oil hungry U.S do? Sad to say, your dream world is just that. Time to get out of your own little matrix.
There could be gas and oil under my house, or in the Sahara desert too. Maybe we should lay claim to the Sahara desert before someone gets the oil under it.

Whose the one saying stupid things?

I read through the entire thread before I posted anything, and saw no such thing about gas or oil.

As you say, no shit sherlock, I reiterate thrice now, your the one who came at me with the notion of Hans Island having oil and gas. Seems you didn't read at all and now posing. Hypocrite.

Yet you refuse to post any of this information, while demanding that I know it. It doesn't work that way. You make claims, you back them up. Let's see the proof.

Yes it does work that way. Im not going to waste my time doing something that perfectly capable (I hope) fellows such as you who can do it yourself. I never made concrete claims, I suggested potential, your the one spewing out this garbage of me making claims. I made claims on our ability or rather inability to defend ourselves better if we do cede the Island. By the way, just to clarify, what proof did you want me to post? Oil in the North or just Hans Island that you asked out of nowhere?

I'm not answering "for the fun of it" because I don't see the "fun" in it. From what I can tell, it's a chunk of barren rock two countries are fighting over for reasons I can't really fathom, and you refuse to inject any further knowledge into the discussion after I've asked several times about things you've asserted. I'm not dodging so much as you're projecting.

Then I don't see the fun in debating with you. Im projecting? Nope, your the one whose projecting and posing.
and you refuse to inject any further knowledge into the discussion
What have you provided with this discussion other than taking apart each and every sentence in an attempt to pass yourself off as being smart.

Then maybe you should answer my questions.

Maybe you should post more intelligent questions that have to do with said thread. First you need to get your foot out of your mouth like you always have in. I might also add you have never answered any of MY questions. Nice try.

Well, it seems I have to be condescending when I talk to people who insist on acting stupid and saying stupid things without backing them up. Quit your waffling and then maybe I can be a bit more civil with you.

Acting stupid? saying stupid things? Not good to talk about yourself that way. People like that need professional help.



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