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ShepherdsDog @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:08 pm

ziggy ziggy:
ShepherdsDog ShepherdsDog:
Jesus on a pogo stick Lily!!! You sound like a jilted lover or something. Why has this become such an obsessive issue for you? Is what happens on the internet and in this forum such a large part of your raison d'ĂȘtre?? Move on get over it, you were taken in by his story like others. Why make Blue Nose the object of your frustrations?

Pm's are just that,Private messages,and if you knew how much damage can be done to someone by publishing one then you would know her concern.
She isnt telling you the whole story about someone posting her address or shite about her kids so lay off.

This is no where close to posting someone's home address or stuff about their kids. Posting that much personal info, to someone you've never met, would be foolish. All Blue Nose did was substantiate the fact that Constantinople wasn't who he claimed to be. This was done after Constantinople left and tried to re emerge as a different persona. What right does a fraud have to expect others to maintain his/her deception after the fact?


ziggy @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:11 pm

Blue_Nose Blue_Nose:
lily lily:
Is that your not-so-subtle hint that lots of people agree with you?

That was an attempt to dispell the tension you've created over this issue. I didn't do anything wrong against anyone who didn't deserve it, and it's a big deal because of whatever forum history you have.... that's not my concern.

I won't post a PM from a legitimate member, period.

Sorry about the "con" thing after your name,that was a sp error on my part.

Even if he wasnt a legit member(and I think he was when he sent you that)

It's not right to post it. Just apologise to Lily and we'll all go share a pint. :lol:


ziggy @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:16 pm

ShepherdsDog ShepherdsDog:
ziggy ziggy:
ShepherdsDog ShepherdsDog:
Jesus on a pogo stick Lily!!! You sound like a jilted lover or something. Why has this become such an obsessive issue for you? Is what happens on the internet and in this forum such a large part of your raison d'ĂȘtre?? Move on get over it, you were taken in by his story like others. Why make Blue Nose the object of your frustrations?

Pm's are just that,Private messages,and if you knew how much damage can be done to someone by publishing one then you would know her concern.
She isnt telling you the whole story about someone posting her address or shite about her kids so lay off.

This is no where close to posting someone's home address or stuff about their kids. Posting that much personal info, to someone you've never met, would be foolish. All Blue Nose did was substantiate the fact that Constantinople wasn't who he claimed to be. This was done after Constantinople left and tried to re emerge as a different persona. What right does a fraud have to expect others to maintain his/her deception after the fact?

This was done after Constantinople left and tried to re emerge as a different persona.
I must have missed something,did he re-emerge as someone else?


ShepherdsDog @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:16 pm

lily lily:
Then you won't have an issue if I post a few of the ones you've sent me?

Thing is... I would never do that. I respect that any message sent to me is for me. Not for anyone else.

I learned a long time ago that trust is sacred. It's very difficult to regain when lost.

Go ahead, as I recollect, both were replies to your PM's. Trust is something that exists and has been built over long years between me, my friends and family, not casual internet acquaintances. To place such level of trust in people you've never met, is just setting yourself up for problems and demonstrates a lack of discretion.


ShepherdsDog @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:23 pm

InterestingWife InterestingWife:
hey long time guest here at cka. gonna add some more proof of how this freak was lyin. he had a beautiful wife i see in some of the threads he posted- oh,yeah, was it his wife????!!

Pauline Chase

what an absolute psycho-- anyway, just wanted to put that in- im going back to being a guest now-- otherwise i'd end up posting here way toooo much. :lol:

Erinites checked IP address and it was Constantinople's


RUEZ @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:31 pm

ShepherdsDog ShepherdsDog:
InterestingWife InterestingWife:
hey long time guest here at cka. gonna add some more proof of how this freak was lyin. he had a beautiful wife i see in some of the threads he posted- oh,yeah, was it his wife????!!

Pauline Chase

what an absolute psycho-- anyway, just wanted to put that in- im going back to being a guest now-- otherwise i'd end up posting here way toooo much. :lol:

Erinites checked IP address and it was Constantinople's
LOL ya there was no doubt who that was, it was quite convenient a new member would stumble on that pic, and share it with us.


RUEZ @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:39 pm

I don't know about you Lily, but I don't like people lying to me just for there own amusement. It probably wouldn't have been so bad had he not involved his 'dead wife' and son. I mean really what kind of person get's pleasure from that sort of thing.


ShepherdsDog @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:47 pm

Now, when are you going to require everyone else to come clean? Shall we ask the mods to check all the IPs to see who is posting under a few different monikers? Hey... we might learn some interesting stuff... or make up all sorts of rumours... like who's posting from whose computer... and what that might mean......

This multiple account seems to be an obsession of yours, but if that makes you happy. Ask them, but I'm sure they'll think you're being paranoid too.


ShepherdsDog @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 11:58 pm

Or maybe I should add [/sarcasm] after some of my posts for your benefit?

Perhaps, because one never knows...


ManifestDestiny @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 5:40 am

If you all noticed I started ignoring him when he started with all of this dead wife stuff, and I am 94 years old. I found it all to wierd. one day we are having a blast with some Drug addict in a thread the next he is 94. Claiming that was his nephew come it was him and I knew it, (he was making the same typos) thats why I ignored him.


cdncutie @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 6:18 am

I don't know that I agree with the whole pm issue. If there is a private conversation going on where both parties are expecting discretion, that is one thing. However, I have been on the receiving end of some unsolicited, inappropriate and uncalled for pm's since joining. I think that perhaps I should have posted them in order to discourage the practice.

Anyway, I was surprised that anyone believed the persona in the first place. However, I am a total skeptic when it comes to internet communications.

I think that it was fairly brave of blue to admit publicly that he knew. He could have kept it to himself and no one would have been the wiser.


Robair @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 6:32 am

cdncutie cdncutie:
However, I have been on the receiving end of some unsolicited, inappropriate and uncalled for pm's since joining. I think that perhaps I should have posted them in order to discourage the practice.

Deafinatly you should. That way we can all chastise the individual(s) publicly.

Some people seem to view the internet as a license to be an asshole without the consequence.


usababe @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:31 am

I have been on the receiving end of some unsolicited, inappropriate and uncalled for pm's since joining.

yeah! i especially enjoyed the one from Monoprise. thanks man, you're full of s***

I tend not to PM unless it's Robair or something I need to ask Canadaka.


American @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:42 am

Who is Constantinople? 8O

j/k :wink:



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