Canada Kicks Ass
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cdncutie @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:50 am

usababe usababe:
I have been on the
yeah! i especially enjoyed the one from Monoprise. thanks man, you're full of s***

Yes...that was a gem. lol


Blue_Nose @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 7:54 am

ziggy ziggy:
Just apologise to Lily

For what? Betraying this supposed trust she had for me? If anyone should be upset, it's Const, and it's quite clear, according to InterestingWife, that he's comfortable with the fact that he lied and tricked people.

If lily expects something from me, she's not getting it. I didn't break a single rule, and behaved appropriately, in my opinion. If lily has decided not to "trust me" anymore (with what?, I ask... her car keys?) that's her personal decision, and this attack on me was hardly necessary.

Constantinople/USofA1776 just happened to be the very best flamer/troll in the history of CKA, and I am not going to feel guilty for treating him as such.


ShepherdsDog @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:00 am

Why apologize to lily? This isn't about her.


Blue_Nose @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:03 am

Not anymore it isn't.

Where is Bart? Did he know about this garbage?


DerbyX @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:05 am

Blue_Nose Blue_Nose:
Constantinople/USofA1776 just happened to be the very best flamer/troll in the history of CKA, and I am not going to feel guilty for treating him as such.

I don't recall you ever having any flame war with him. Did you in a thread at one point?

BTW, I agree that it wasn't your responsibilty or obligation to "out" constant. I suspected he was lying about his age from the start but felt most of his persona was at least how he felt about various topics. Its not a slight against anyone who believed him though. I guess my opinion of him was right all along about his morality.


PluggyRug @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:05 am

American American:
Who is Constantinople? 8O

j/k :wink:

He was Constantly Pople


Blue_Nose @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:07 am

DerbyX DerbyX:
I don't recall you ever having any flame war with him. Did you in a thread at one point?

Long before that period of silence... after that, I knew what he was up to... it was quite obvious he was trying to be annoying.


DerbyX @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:09 am

Blue_Nose Blue_Nose:
DerbyX DerbyX:
I don't recall you ever having any flame war with him. Did you in a thread at one point?

Long before that period of silence... after that, I knew what he was up to... it was quite obvious he was trying to be annoying.

Period of slience? I guess that was before my time b/c as far back as I can remember he has been posting here.


Blue_Nose @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:10 am

DerbyX DerbyX:
Period of slience? I guess that was before my time b/c as far back as I can remember he has been posting here.

He didn't post anything for a few months, back in the summer... then all of a sudden he was back in full force.

You've been here a bit longer than me :wink:


DerbyX @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 8:29 am

Blue_Nose Blue_Nose:
DerbyX DerbyX:
Period of slience? I guess that was before my time b/c as far back as I can remember he has been posting here.

He didn't post anything for a few months, back in the summer... then all of a sudden he was back in full force.

You've been here a bit longer than me :wink:

Yeah but for the first month + I only made a few posts, mostly on the seperatist thread. I always remember him posting but I may just be remembering another one of the US posters who kept changing his username (not MD though).


Canadian_Mind @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:38 am

notice how most of the modern members joined in may eh?

BTW - what are we talking aboot? :p figure consti would be in on it by now. 94 year old fucker.


Robair @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 9:49 am

Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
notice how most of the modern members joined in may eh?

Buncha noobs. :P


Proculation @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:05 am

Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
notice how most of the modern members joined in may eh?

You're right ! What happened in May ? 8)


American @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 11:15 am

DerbyX DerbyX:
Blue_Nose Blue_Nose:
DerbyX DerbyX:
I don't recall you ever having any flame war with him. Did you in a thread at one point?

Long before that period of silence... after that, I knew what he was up to... it was quite obvious he was trying to be annoying.

Period of slience? I guess that was before my time b/c as far back as I can remember he has been posting here.

Yes, it was an era many millennia ago.


CanadianLynx @ Mon Nov 14, 2005 12:06 pm

lily lily:
Erinites checked IP address and it was Constantinople's

That may or may not prove a thing. More than likely it's him... not a very "sneaky" moniker after all. But - I'm a mod on another site, and I've seen a few cases where 2 or even 3 people have used the same IP - and while I know they live in the same province, I also know they've never met.

Bottom line though - who cares if he comes back as someone else? Who cares if he wasn't who he claimed to be? How does that really affect any of the rest of us?

Now, when are you going to require everyone else to come clean? Shall we ask the mods to check all the IPs to see who is posting under a few different monikers? Hey... we might learn some interesting stuff... or make up all sorts of rumours... like who's posting from whose computer... and what that might mean......

Maybe like in the commerical we will have to put our heads thru the monitor,and someone on the other end will have to verify who we are ... lol



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