Canada Kicks Ass
It was nice knowing all of you...


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Canadian_Mind @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 3:55 pm

Jaime_Souviens Jaime_Souviens:

Her hairstyle is 1890's - 1910.

Never would have been 1930's. I mentioned once to Constantinople that I found it surprising that he had dated a 'Gibson Girl.'

(A 'Gibson Girl' was a style of fashion after the drawings of Charles Dana Gibson. Usually a big poof of hair.)

Constantinople's 'darling Sarah' would have been 25 years out of date in the late thirties.

is that the pictrure he posted? cause her name isn't sarah. :p


Jaime_Souviens @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 3:58 pm

Oh, and for the record...

Constantinople also claimed to have a dead son.

If he didn't actually have one, and he made one up just to jerk people's chains, then he's scum.

If he did actually have one, and all he could think to do with his son's memory was to involve that son in his little twisted game here, then he's scum.


Jaime_Souviens @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 3:59 pm

Canadian_Mind Canadian_Mind:
Jaime_Souviens Jaime_Souviens:
Her hairstyle is 1890's - 1910.

Never would have been 1930's. I mentioned once to Constantinople that I found it surprising that he had dated a 'Gibson Girl.'

(A 'Gibson Girl' was a style of fashion after the drawings of Charles Dana Gibson. Usually a big poof of hair.)

Constantinople's 'darling Sarah' would have been 25 years out of date in the late thirties.

is that the pictrure he posted? cause her name isn't sarah. :p

He trimmed it, dude.


Blue_Nose @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:02 pm

Jaime_Souviens Jaime_Souviens:
Oh, and for the record...

Constantinople also claimed to have a dead son.

If he didn't actually have one, and he made one up just to jerk people's chains, then he's scum.

If he did actually have one, and all he could think to do with his son's memory was to involve that son in his little twisted game here, then he's scum.

Not to mention his dead wife, Sarah...


CanadianHeat @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:10 pm

whoa! thats ridiculous, im back int his. He cheated us all. And now he's back. We gotta stay on top of things guys.


CanadianHeat @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:13 pm

what hurts the most is the fact that she isn't even Canadian.


Jaime_Souviens @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:15 pm





Jaime_Souviens @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:16 pm

CanadianHeat CanadianHeat:
whoa! thats ridiculous, im back int his. He cheated us all. And now he's back. We gotta stay on top of things guys.



CanadianHeat @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:16 pm

well atleast one of my guess's were right. #5


CanadianHeat @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:18 pm

Jaime_Souviens Jaime_Souviens:
CanadianHeat CanadianHeat:
whoa! thats ridiculous, im back int his. He cheated us all. And now he's back. We gotta stay on top of things guys.


Interestinwife, i meant


Jaime_Souviens @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 4:20 pm

Already deactivated. You can tell when the date joined goes to "Non 0, 0000".


Matsu @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 6:19 pm

I'm curious, CanadianHeat, why do you feel "cheated"? There's no requirement for honesty on the net. Online, we're all free to present whatever personality we like in a post - conservative, liberal,stoner, troll, flamer, flirt, whatever. Doesn't mean it's who we really are.

Of course, most couldn't be bothered to put on an extended performance, as Constantinople seemed to have done.

Just keep the salt handy when you're online, okay?


Jaime_Souviens @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 6:29 pm

Matsu Matsu:
I'm curious, CanadianHeat, why do you feel "cheated"? There's no requirement for honesty on the net. Online, we're all free to present whatever personality we like in a post - conservative, liberal,stoner, troll, flamer, flirt, whatever. Doesn't mean it's who we really are.

Of course, most couldn't be bothered to put on an extended performance, as Constantinople seemed to have done.

Just keep the salt handy when you're online, okay?

You can present an aspect of yourself, or you can trick people into believing something that is manifestly untrue.

There is a difference.

He didn't just adopt things by the way, he set up whole threads to present his life and encourage others to do the same.

(I don't necessarily feel cheated myself, but I understand if CanadianHeat and others do.)


canucker @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 6:39 pm

Well I certainly missed out on alot today....


kerfuffled @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 6:42 pm

I myself never took this guy too seriously. Kinda hard to do that on the net on a message board. My moment was when he insisted that it was a good idea for the US gov to tell everyone to run out and get plastic sheeting and ducttape to prevent N-B-C contamination. Also how many 90+ message board addicts are there out there? That seemed like BS right away. Now it does seem that he went way too far in creating a BS image of himself just to mess with a bunch of Canadians on the internet, but to his credit that is what he did, and he seems to have done it well.



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