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CanadianHeat @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 6:42 pm

well i thought he was an elderly guy and i have volunteered to work in many seniors homes, so i kinda understood him more than the others because i listened to him more. And he did have valid points. I always encouraged him because he was old on the internet. i was trying to make him feel special...if i didn't treat the elderly with respect i would get beatin, by the girl in the house who calls me her husband...she lies i dont


Blue_Nose @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:28 pm

lily lily:
Blue_Nose - I hate to say this, but shame on you on two fronts. One, for posting PMs. Perhaps you've forgotten that the P stands for private? Regardless of your reason, you shouldn't have posted what you did.

Is there some sort of rule regarding private messages? I don't think there is. What he decided to divulge to me is my business, and it's not your business, or his, to tell me what to do with it.

lily lily:
And second - you knew what was going on and you chose to facilitate the ruse (I won't call it a lie, as I suspect he isn't the only one posting as a persona). Fair enough - your choice. I'm glad to see you amused yourself at the expense of the rest of us. It's not the sort of thing I find amusing myself... but maybe that's why I have 2 Hilarious medals and you don't. :P Anyway - your choice to play along, so don't try to pretend you're taking the high road now. You didn't "out" him until he left on his own accord.

It was amusing until the stories started. You'll note that in the messages which I posted I was not exactly happy about these tear jerking stories which were moving so many people. We shared amusement over the arguments he got into with various members, but not everything.

I also did in fact tell quite a few people... many of them confided in because of the struggle I was in whether to betray his trust, and my promise, or to let people know the truth... I was seriously concerned with the apparent effect it was having on people. Frankly, I was under the impression most people were just playing along, because his story was so unbelievably dumb.

I can tell certain members are upset that I didn't tell them... but 50% of the site knew he was full of shit, and said so on occasion, but people chose to believe him on their own accord, and that's not my problem.

'Shame on me' nothing, lily, I'm not ashamed of anything.


Tman1 @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:39 pm

What good would it have done to tell other people? Would others have believed me or Blue_Nose if we did? I believe I even posted this crap about him on one thread which went in one ear and out the other, seemingly ignoring it. Shouldn't even need to spill the beans anyways, link the obvious pieces together and figure it out. Seems some people are not too willing to listen when they seem to like the particular person. I mean lord, a 94 year old arguing with kids about Muslims and God who seemed a little too computer literate posting 300 posts a night? Riiiiiight.


Jaime_Souviens @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:42 pm

lily lily:
And to all of you who claim to have known it all along? Sure you did. Just like people always knew there was something a little "odd" about their neighbour.... after the facts came to light. No-one ever says anything beforehand. Odd that. ;)

I don't know if you have me in there with 'all those people' or not.

I fell for it, sure. There were things that didn't match up, but I do not claim to have figured it all out beforehand.

Even now, I think there are other unresolved issues involved that Blue_Nose is unaware of.

And I say that the idea that no 94 year old could be on the internet is false. It's possible, even probable, that there are a few, (though not likely more than that).

lily lily:
Constantinople... or whoever you are... not that you care, but I'm disappointed.

He definitely was a regular here, and to be missed,...

I try to take solace in the fact that he was a shit. :wink:


Jaime_Souviens @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:44 pm

Tman1 Tman1:
What good would it have done to tell other people? Would others have believed me or Blue_Nose if we did?

What? Goodness, Tman1. I believe everything you post implicitly.


Tman1 @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:45 pm

Jaime_Souviens Jaime_Souviens:
Tman1 Tman1:
What good would it have done to tell other people? Would others have believed me or Blue_Nose if we did?

What? Goodness, Tman1. I believe everything you post implicitly.

Thats good as well I'm not fabricating stories like Constantinople.


RUEZ @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:51 pm

Tman1 Tman1:
What good would it have done to tell other people? Would others have believed me or Blue_Nose if we did?
I agree with that, I've seen people challenge his age many times, but I took him for his word that he was a bitter old piece of shit. Now I know he was just a bitter piece of shit.


Jaime_Souviens @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:53 pm

lily lily:
What do you suppose "private" means, Blue_Nose?

... It may be an unwritten rule on this site, but it's something that everyone respects. Haven't you noticed that no-one else ever posts PMs?

Well, it was a special case.

There usually isn't such an issue about identity.


Jaime_Souviens @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:54 pm

Tman1 Tman1:
Jaime_Souviens Jaime_Souviens:
Tman1 Tman1:
What good would it have done to tell other people? Would others have believed me or Blue_Nose if we did?

What? Goodness, Tman1. I believe everything you post implicitly.

Thats good as well I'm not fabricating stories like Constantinople.

What about the story that you're a highly-talented hamster?


Tman1 @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:55 pm

Although I was wondering what Blue_Nose was doing taking his side all the time when he came to me with his theories where I PM'ed mine to the good sir. I was scratching my head in bewilderment.


Blue_Nose @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:56 pm

lily lily:
I'm not one of them.

I'm not implying you were. I don't really care what you think of my actions, at this point, and I wasn't trying to take any moral high ground. I merely exposed him for who he really wasn't. I don't understand what you expected me to do. 94 or not, Const was capable of making his own decisions, and it wasn't my place to 'tattle' on him because you were too blind to see him for who he really was.

lily lily:
It may be an unwritten rule on this site, but it's something that everyone respects.

...and I'll continue to respect the Private Messages of every member on this site. As for your personal "unwritten rules", you can keep them to yourself; If a Moderator would like to raise issue with my actions, I'll take responsibility for them.


Tman1 @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:57 pm

Jaime_Souviens Jaime_Souviens:
Tman1 Tman1:
Jaime_Souviens Jaime_Souviens:
Tman1 Tman1:
What good would it have done to tell other people? Would others have believed me or Blue_Nose if we did?

What? Goodness, Tman1. I believe everything you post implicitly.

Thats good as well I'm not fabricating stories like Constantinople.

What about the story that you're a highly-talented hamster?

:lol: I'd say it was being modest towards me. Obviously I'm an extremely highly-talented hamster.

I need a martini.


Jaime_Souviens @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 8:03 pm

lily lily:
Jaime_Souviens Jaime_Souviens:
lily lily:
What do you suppose "private" means, Blue_Nose?

... It may be an unwritten rule on this site, but it's something that everyone respects. Haven't you noticed that no-one else ever posts PMs?

Well, it was a special case.

There usually isn't such an issue about identity.

No, it's not a special case at all. He didn't need to post PMs to make his point.

But what point, Jaime? That Constantinople wasn't in fact a 94-year-old?

Well, I for one feel better for knowing that. ;)

I don't follow you...


Jaime_Souviens @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 8:06 pm

Blue_Nose Blue_Nose:
lily lily:
I'm not one of them.

I'm not implying you were. I don't really care what you think of my actions, at this point, and I wasn't trying to take any moral high ground. I merely exposed him for who he really wasn't. I don't understand what you expected me to do. 94 or not, Const was capable of making his own decisions, and it wasn't my place to 'tattle' on him because you were too blind to see him for who he really was.

Oo! Oo! Oo!! Un-zen! Un-zen! Un-zen!


Crabbypants @ Sun Nov 13, 2005 8:07 pm

Joe? Joe Baldwin? How many forums you been messin' on, son?



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