Canada Kicks Ass
Merged - Paul and the Seals


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Ruxpercnd @ Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:53 am

The photos just seem so butal, I think that's what gets people upset. Why can't the hunters put a little .22 bullet into the little guy's braincase? Isn't there an issue with unnecessary suffering here?

I don't mind well considered culling, but there is an issue left open.

Why can't the two sides find an acceptable middle ground?


Robair @ Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:59 am

Ruxpercnd Ruxpercnd:
The photos just seem so butal, I think that's what gets people upset.
Awwww... Maybe some of these people should visit their local slaughterhouse or egg farm. Or maybe I should have them out to the farm next time we decide to butcher an Elk. It would have been real entertaining watching them follow my grandfather when he went out to check his trap line for fox and cyote.
Ruxpercnd Ruxpercnd:
Why can't the hunters put a little .22 bullet into the little guy's braincase?
An ounce of lead in the braincase or a steel spike... kinda splitin' hairs here aren't we?
Ruxpercnd Ruxpercnd:
Why can't the two sides find an acceptable middle ground?
Well... you can no longer harvest whitecoats in Canada, how much ground does one side have to give?


canadian1971 @ Wed Mar 30, 2005 2:44 pm

Since then I have served with newfoundlanders and more recently had them as tennents in the apt block i managed.. Not a finer bunch of people you could ever want to meet.. guys are here in Alberta working up in the tar sand and for suncor etc,,, Nearly all of them are either helping or directly supporting families back home.. Hard workers, hard partiers.. A person is allways welcome at the home of a newf, even if they barely know you, they will invite you in to share what they have be it or a good meal.. popular misconception,, they are far from stupid or as some refer to them canadas hillbillies...

Bloody good soldiers too...

*sniff sniff

I can feel the love! :cry:

BTW, I'm no soldier, but it's nice to know you think so!


Ruxpercnd @ Fri Apr 15, 2005 1:23 pm

Paper apologizes for fake seal hunt story
Reporter described slaughter, but hunt was delayed

Hey! I thought it was a good story anyway... the blood! the gore! The innocent victims ... lets make it into a movie... :)


EyeBrock @ Sat Apr 16, 2005 8:45 pm

The sad thing is that people are well into believing the shite about the seal hunt.

Ok, Ill organise a picket outside Maple Leaf in Burlington (Ont). Pigs ain’t quite as cute as seals but they get killed in the millions. No ham, !!!!!!

Very silly.


Blue_Nose @ Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:16 am

McCartney Opposes Seal Hunt

Now, I'm not asking for a debate on the seal hunt itself, but what does Paul McCartney think he's going to contribute to this debate? Does being an internationally successful musician mean he can use his fame as a soapbox?


-Mario- @ Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:29 am

Of course he will..... Green peace had was successfull at stopping nuclear testing at Amchitka but was never successfull at shutting down the seal hunt. NF... Canadians already knows that because of overfishing at the Grand Banks... their is now too much seals for the amount of fish...

I thinks its just an old 80ies idea and poeple never understood what is really at stake.


Newfie Scott @ Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:40 am

Sensible people who actually read facts, instead of PETA-style propaganda (which, unfortunately, is the only side "animal-rights activists" look at most times), would realize that the seal hunt is perhaps the most humane culling of animals for food and pelts in the world. It's far more humane than slaughter houses simply because of the attention given to it. Combine that with the fact that it's, for many Newfoundlanders in rural areas, the only way to make enough money to feed and sustain your family for the year, short of living off the scraps of the welfare system, and the seal hunt is perfectly legitimate.

The seals did a quick death due to the methods used; fishing for cod is far more inhumane given that the fish die a slow death from afixiation. Out of all the animal rights activists I've met who oppose the seal hunt, I can honestly say that they're all part of the group of unintelligent people. And mind you, anyone who puts animal rights above the well-being of a human family is a downright monster - that includes celebrities who have no inclination about hardships in an economically depressed Newfoundland setting.

Instead of visitng the seals, perhaps McCartney should do something sensible, like talk to the sealers and try to understand why they risk their lives every year to go out on unstable ice flows to bring in a source of income for their families.


Tricks @ Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:47 am

A while ago when I heard about this I was completely against it. But when I did some research and some reading, I found it was necessary.


canadian1971 @ Wed Mar 01, 2006 5:53 am

In the spring of nineteen fourteen, the sealers came to town,
Trying to book a passage on a ship iceward bound;
To try and earn a dollar when none was being made,
They would risk life and limb but they were not afraid.

There was the Bonaventure and the Belleventure, too,
And there was the Newfoundland just waiting for her crew;
There stood the Stephano, what a great ship was she,
And also the Florazelle, a part of this tragedy.

They came from every bay and town, they came both young and old,
They came not for the sport, but came for a little gold;
Maybe if they were lucky, make a hundred or more,
But would they be so eager if they knew what was in store.

Now when they made it to the front the Newfoundland got froze,
She found it hard to maneuver in the heavy ice flows;
Her captain was frustrated, the seals were very scarce,
He never seen it quite so bad, the ice was mighty fierce.

He spotted the Stephano about five miles away,
They were in the main patch and really making it pay;
Then the captain took a chance, sent his men across the ice,
To try and pan some whitecoats but couldn't foresee the price.

When they reached the Stephano they were hungry and beat,
So captain Kean took them aboard gave them a bite to eat;
Then he put them on the ice to head for the Newfoundland,
By this time a storm was brewing, and death was close at hand.

They started for the Newfoundland but soon they were lost,
A blizzard now blew fiercely, they'd soon pay the cost;
More than a hundred thirty men were stranded on the ice,
No one knew that they were there, they'd pay an awful price.

For two days and two nights they suffered on the flows,
With little shelter and little food, in soaking wet clothes;
When the temperature dropped down, their bodies turned to ice,
Seventy-seven men then perished, they paid the ultimate price.

They tried to keep on moving so they would not freeze,
Some died while walking, some died on their knees;
Some grew so weary that they no longer cared,
Some walked out in the water and soon disappeared.

The second day they found them, oh what an awful sight,
Bodies strewn every where, survivors in a plight;
Frozen hands and frozen feet, frostbitten on the face,
What caused this dreadful tragedy, what caused this awful waste?

They piled their bodies on the deck several layers high,
Their remains like statues, silhouettes against the sky;
With their gruesome cargo, they headed back to shore,
In a history filled with tragedy, just add one chapter more.

The seal hunt in Nfld/Lab has been going on for centuries.....this is what it took to stop ONE ship from sealing ONE goodluck to you Paul...yer gonna need it.

As for Greenpeace.....pfft. Sure they stopped a Nuke test...but these two situations are not even close to being alike.....One, if messed up can wipe you out in a sec not leaving enough of you to fill up a soup can....the other is a nuclear explosion. :lol:


-Mario- @ Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:31 am

About the seal hunt...Green peace soon realized that they were in the wrong but did not back down or take responsability for their mistake.


Newfie Scott @ Wed Mar 01, 2006 8:10 am

To Greenpeace's credit, they've backed off considerably on the seal hunt issue; though I'll never forgive them for their mistake.


-Mario- @ Wed Mar 01, 2006 8:39 am

Newfie Scott Newfie Scott:
To Greenpeace's credit, they've backed off considerably on the seal hunt issue; though I'll never forgive them for their mistake.

To be more correct... they left once the hunting season was over.... They just didn't show up the next years.


fatbasturd @ Wed Mar 01, 2006 9:04 am

After several of them were arested to :D
Lets get this right...seals are not pets anymore then cows or poultry are ....seals are a food group and the cull is a industry..and that is the bottom line on the whole issue,



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