Canada Kicks Ass
23% of us are fucked.


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Thematic-Device @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 7:56 am

23 percent? Well that would explain about 2/3s of bush's support.


fatbasturd @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:12 am



2Cdo @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:29 am

IceOwl IceOwl:
Tonight former Nixon White House Counsel John Dean discussed his intriguing new book "Conservatives without Consciences" as the lead story on Keith Olbermann. In it he described how his discussions with the late Barry Goldwater, the nominal father of the modern conservative movement, evolved from talking about just how far afield that movement has grown to a discussion of how authoritarianism has crept in and taken over the Republican Party.

Sparked by Goldwater, Dean continued to research on the subject with various scholars looking into the psychology of authorianism and found a wealth of information on the subject.

Acording to his findings, a vast majority of Conservatives are drawn into the Leader/Follower archetype, where the Leaders are considered infallable, and the loyalty of the Followers is completely unshakable. About "23% of the populace falls into the follower category" said Dean. "These people are impervious" to fact, rationality and reality. And their "Numbers are growing".

Let's just face it, 23% of us are basically fucked in the head.

I'm looking forward to reading Dean's book in full, but just the glimmers presented on Olbermann were both shocking and at the same time, quite familiar. We've seen this story before in Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. There is always the patsy, the scapegoat - the one true source of all of societies ills. In those societies it was the jews or those greedy imperialist Americans.

Now, it's the Liberals.

The rest of the article is here.

And 100% of you is fucked! :roll:


hamiltonguyo @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 8:33 am

conviently ice owl missed the second half of the article where is accuses all conservatives of being racist, sexist homophobes....


Tricks @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:10 am

hamiltonguyo hamiltonguyo:
conviently ice owl missed the second half of the article where is accuses all conservatives of being racist, sexist homophobes....


hamiltonguyo @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:39 am

oh so you ARE implying that all conservatives are racist sexist homophobes

i was willing to give IdiotOwl the benefit of the doubt but if thats the case

F*** Off


MrMarch @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:41 am

And like all our societal problems, this is not just a conservative problem. It is a liberal problem, it is an NDP problem, it is everyone's problem. In fact, the people I now like to refer to as neo-conservatives and neo-liberals in our modern society are both equally responsible for a massive polarization movement. These extremist groups are no longer co-operative or interested in seeking common ground within government. They strive for the modern equivalent of absolutism, stacking senates and courthouses with followers rather than working within our system fairly to persuade existing civil servants. The neo-conservative/neo-liberals label all opposed as enemies or worse "traitors" to our country. Those who believe differently than them are condemned (remind you of another "ideology"?...but let's leave that one alone for now).

It's not so bad here in Canada thanks in large part to an unlikely hero; our good ole Canadian-born apathy that helps protect us from just this sort of jingoistic, saber-rattling nonsense. But things are changing. More and more of my friends are convinced all of our countries ills are due to liberals/conservatives and if we could just get the current administration out of power, everything would be fixed and society would be fixed of all it's problems.

What a joke.

There are some serious issues with our society that both conservatives and liberals are hardly addressing at all. The enviroment and multinational corporations abusing globalization are two of the biggest issues facing our society. Yet more and more our large political parties all but ignore the problems or worse still, they pay lip service to bandaid solutions. And while people bicker over homosexuals and facism, EVERYONE suffers more taxes (GST), tragically unsuccesfull anti-crime programs (Gun Registry), corruption from polarized government, a military underfunded by every conservative and liberal for longer than I've been alive, and a declining quality of life.

But by all means, let's continue to blame one side for all our problems. Working together with different people wasn't what built this country...

wait a minute...


grainfedprairieboy @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 9:44 am

If anyone can be accused of blindly following a leader (party) it should be Canadian lieberals who still voted enmass for what is arguably the most corrupt government in the Western world and was unquestionably the most corrupt in Canadian history.


Stormrider @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:15 am

yea your right , my wife made me take it down :oops:


hwacker @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:19 am

Better then having no balls like most Liberals.


SireJoe @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:07 pm

So its better to be a sexist racist homophobe than to have no truly do live up to your piece of shit persona on this forum.


Tricks @ Wed Jul 12, 2006 1:08 pm

SireJoe SireJoe:
So its better to be a sexist racist homophobe than to have no truly do live up to your piece of shit persona on this forum.
Are you implying that Conservatives are sexist racist homophobes?



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